Store knives in a wooden block or in a drawer. Make sure the knives are out of the reach of children.
Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair tied back. You don’t want anything accidentally catching fire (not to mention hair ending up in the food!).
Never cook while wearing dangling jewelry. A bracelet can get tangled around pot handles.
Keep potholders nearby and use them! Be careful not to leave them near an open flame.
Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. Children can’t grab them, and adults can’t bump into them if they’re out of the way.
Don’t let temperature-sensitive foods sit out in the kitchen. Raw meat, fish, and certain dairy products can spoil quickly, so refrigerate or freeze them right away.
Wipe up spills immediately. Keep the floor dry so that no one slips and falls.
Separate raw meat and poultry from other items whenever you use or store them. This precaution avoids cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one food to another.
Wash your hands before handling food and after handling meat or poultry. Hands can be a virtual freight train of bacteria.
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Father Columba, Domenico , changing occupations - was a weaver , a wool merchant , even the landlord .Columbus mother , Susanna Fontanarossa , bore her husband five children , of whom Christopher was the eldest . His younger brothers called Bartolomeo , Giacomo and Giovanni Pellegrino, was a younger sister Byanchinetta . Many years later, Bartolomeo and Giacomo participated in expeditions of his older brother . Then called them to the Spanish style - Bartholomew and Diego .As for names , Columbus , living in different countries, has changed its name according to the requirements of phonetic language : in Portugal, he was called Cristovão , and in Spain Cristobal .About the childhood of the great explorer virtually nothing is known . Scientists can not come to a consensus regarding education and Columbus. We only know that Columbus began quite early to go on merchant ships in the Mediterranean Sea .1470 's - Columbus settled in Portugal, in Lisbon. Now he goes to the Portuguese courts , swimming away far north. It is known that if he managed to visit the British Isles, and possibly in Iceland. Caravels under the Portuguese flag and went to the Canary Islands , and along the west coast of Africa .End of 1470 s - Columbus marries Felipe Moniz, who came from a wealthy Italian- Portuguese family . Wife gave birth to a son Columbus .Columbus was also father-in navigator , and after his death his wife gave in-law cards , diaries and other documents of the deceased husband. Perhaps for these documents Columbus went on to study geography. Moreover , textbooks have become for him the book of the Italian poet Silvoi Enea Piccolomini, "The image of the world " by Pierre de Ayli , "book " Marco Polo.1480 th year - during this period the Portuguese were preoccupied with finding a sea route to Asia. Interest in this part of the world is explained quite simply : some Asian spices while often replaced the money, and there were also incense , silk, carpets , luxury ... overland route to Asia was not there - it overlaps the mighty Ottoman Empire . Had outbid spices , silk and other exotic goods from the eastern Arab merchants , losing big profits. The Portuguese saw only one route : rounded Africa, climb into the Indian Ocean , and in the early decades of the king of Portugal João II was equipped and sent to the appropriate expedition . Columbus has suggested an alternative : to reach Asia, moving west . Columbus theory was based on his own calculations navigator . But in fairness I must say that Columbus was not an innovator - the idea of a western route to India put forward in antiquity , Aristotle and Protagoras .1483 - believing in his theory , Columbus decides by all means to prove its correctness . He meets with Juan II and asks him to assist in the organization of the expedition. King approached the matter seriously and held a council consisting of the bishop and two cosmography . Calculations of Columbus were found incorrect, the expedition was denied.1485 - Columbus leaves Portugal and moved to Spain.1486 - Columbus gets an audience with the King of Spain, Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile . Monarch and his wife interested in the offer of Columbus. As well as in Portugal, was collected for the Commission decision on the case, and as the commission did not support the navigator . Spanish "competent experts" referred to the fact that the existence of a western route to India contrary to church teaching . Columbus was almost declared a heretic (and it still had the Inquisition ) . The king and queen decided yet to meet a traveler , but with one condition - first the war would end with the Moors .1488 - Beatriz Enriquez de some Arana foaling Columbus son Fernando. Columbus not only recognized the child , but do not forget it later , after thirteen years, taking one of his expeditions. That Fernando later wrote a biography of his father , which will be the main source of information about the great explorer .1492 - Spain liberated from the Moors , and King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella finally make the final decision about funding the search of a western route to Asia. In case of failure, they lose only the money invested in the venture. In the case of success before Spain opened a dizzying prospect. Columbus had promised : a knighthood , the titles of Admiral , Viceroy and Governor-General of all open expedition islands and continents .1492 - 1493 years - the first expedition of Christopher Columbus . In the Atlantic off two caravels "Pinta " and " Nina " and four-masted sailing ship " Santa Maria ." The team consisted of 90 people.
Store knives in a wooden block or in a drawer. Make sure the knives are out of the reach of children.
Never cook in loose clothes and keep long hair tied back. You don’t want anything accidentally catching fire (not to mention hair ending up in the food!).
Never cook while wearing dangling jewelry. A bracelet can get tangled around pot handles.
Keep potholders nearby and use them! Be careful not to leave them near an open flame.
Turn pot handles away from the front of the stove. Children can’t grab them, and adults can’t bump into them if they’re out of the way.
Don’t let temperature-sensitive foods sit out in the kitchen. Raw meat, fish, and certain dairy products can spoil quickly, so refrigerate or freeze them right away.
Wipe up spills immediately. Keep the floor dry so that no one slips and falls.
Separate raw meat and poultry from other items whenever you use or store them. This precaution avoids cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one food to another.
Wash your hands before handling food and after handling meat or poultry. Hands can be a virtual freight train of bacteria.