8. I have been looking at this photograph for five minutes, but I can't see you in it. - I'm afraid you are looking at the wrong one. 9. You must stop reading; you have a headache because you have been reading too long! 10. my elder brother joined the army when he was eighteen. 11. they had been living in that town for ten years and then moved to the country. 12. we have been living here for the last six months, and have just decided to move. 13. he has been writing a new play for the last two years, but he hasn't finished it yet
Friend never let down those who come to help, even when others turn away. We call each other on who will useful advice in difficult times and in difficult times, the one whom we love with all my heart, that you trust.
I have many friends. As well! If I'm bored or sad, I always cheer each. We often fantasize and dream together. It was very hard, if I had no friends. It does not matter how many. Most importantly, that they were good friends.
The book - my best friend since childhood. When I was little, I loved to read fairy tales and adventures. My favorite fairy tale book was Vitali Bianchi "Mouse Peak." It tells the story of a little mouse, which at all times were different adventures. This book taught me how to be brave, courageous, resourceful. When I read about a little mouse Pique, I felt that we were always together with him. I am very worried about the mouse, when he got into trouble. I still often think of this book and its remarkable little mouse hero Pick. I try to be as kind and intelligent. Now I do not admit such mistakes, which he admitted.
2. а, б Авиационный механик проверяет крылья, руль направления, колеса, пропеллер и другие части самолета, и ведет запись
3. в, Многие теории Жуковского завоевали постоянное место в мировой науке
4 б, Космонавты проводят много экспериментов во время полета