Some-несколько, какое-то количество употребляется в утвердительных предложениях.
There are some flowers in the vase.
Any-перевод тот же,в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.
There aren't any flowers in the vase.
Are there any flowers in the vase?
Но ,any, может употребляться в утвердительных предложениях с переводом-любой,всякий.
I like any sweets.
1 He said he would come the following day.
2 He asked if I would come to their party.
3 He promised that he would help me the following week.
4 He informed he would return the book in a week.
5 He realised that he wouldn't be able to be there in time.
6 She asked if it would be possible to finish the work later.
7 She promised that she would visit her granny at the weekend.
8 She said Tom would go to London the following month.
9 She thought they would come the following Friday.
10 She claimed she would never be late again.
Местоимения Any и Some являются определителями. Они используются, когда речь идет о неопределенных количествах, числах, в тех случаях, когда точное количество или число не важны. Главным образом, Some используется в повествовательных предложениях, а Any – в вопросительных и отрицательных