The country I'm going to tell you about is Japan. It's a small country located on six thousands islands. There are many mountains and volcanoes in Japan. The most famous japanese volcano is Fuji. It is located in the south of Japan. This volcano is painted by many artists. Fuji is very sacred for the japanese. As for lakes, the biggest one there is the Biva. The lake is in the centre of the country near Kyoto. It is also a significant part of japanese national art. Japan is rather popular place to visit among tourists. People from all over the world come here to see beautiful landscapes, fascinating architecture, and to taste national food. Nowadays, Japan also attracts foreigners with its scientific advancement and art.
1. Our body parts are important for doing something, let's take an example from our hands, our hands can be helpful to us to do something, to build, to cook,
for writing, Painting and a lot
2. For me.. I think that our ears, and our eyes. Thats really helpful, because of our eyes we can see the beauty of the world, and because of our ears we can hear the beautiful voices
3. Of course heart. That's extremely important for our living. Because of heart we are living, and seeing the all beauty of nature, smell the delicious meal, and hear the most beautiful sounds of seasons
Мой день рождения — 10 сентября. Я всегда очень рад моему дню рождению. Я в основном праздную свой день рождения с моей семьей включая близкых родственников и несколько моих друзей. День рождения длится до вечерних часов. Много веселья, хороша музыка, веселые игры и разные деликатесы подытоживают мой день рождения. Но в этом году я планирую сделать что-то новое! Вместо вечеринки вдома, я думаю о праздновании своего дня рождения, делая что-то необыкновеное. Например, пойти в ресторан.