1-understanding- понимающий
2-creative- креативный
4-enthusiastic -энтузиаст
5-energetic- энергичный
6- tolerant -толерантный
7- forgivig -всепрощающий
8- self-controlled -сдержанный
9- encouraging- поощрающий
10- firm -твердый
11- self-confident- самоуверенный
12- strict- строгий
1-I think a teacher should be creative because he\she has very interesting lesson.
2-I think a teacher should be understanding because he\she is close to his\her students.
3- I think a teacher should be tolerant because he\she shows good behaviour.
4- I think a teacher should be enthusiastic because he\she makes the material more fun to learn.
5- I think a teacher should be energetic because he\she has positive attitude.
big country. A_capital is in the centre
of_the country and the population is
about forty-six million.
The people have_-_lunch in the
afternoon. It is the biggest meal of the day.
They usually eat at -_home but,
in big cities, they can't always do this. They
often have a_snack before dinner
because they have_- dinner
quite late, at 9 p.m. or later. The
snack is called 'La Merienda'. They often eat-_bread with ham or cheese. What
is the country? Spain.