Hello my friend. How are you? Do you know what my lovely film? I like DEADPOOL. In this we can see the man ho was ill by the cancer. But some people wanted to help him. But they helps him a he wanted to kill one man and for DEADPOOL helps his friends and they winners. So i strongly recomends for you to watch this film :)
Migrating animals (from Latin migrans.) - Regular movement of animal populations, in which individuals from one area to another habitat move, but then come back. Migrations are most common in birds (avian flights) and fish (eg, migration of Pacific salmon). Migration can be divided into active (animals move themselves) and passive (animals are moved on the ice or water rushing). Active migration can be divided into time slots in which they occur: ActiveSeasonal migrationDaily migrationPeriodic migration As examples can be given seasonal movements of microscopic animals from the deep part of the lake in shallow water, associated with changes in water temperature, and the whale migration, which in the fall swim from polar regions in the subtropics, where hatch their young, and at the end of spring back into cold water . Movement of animals caused by the necessity to change the environmental conditions or due to the passage of the development cycle.
история Америки довольна очень интересное многогранная, читать и изучать историю Америки очень занимательно и интересно, с этим связано очень много открытий , нравов , культуры, ну воины. Я хотела бы посетить Америку походить по музеям , наверняка очень много там достопримечательности. Ну вот на вопросы дружелюбная Америка? тут очень отве может быть. можно сказать и да как бы она мир за весь мир , но и тут же они очень много захватывали земель и создавали свои колонии. тем самым пытаюсь свою культуру навязать тем или другим народом которые были ими захвачены.