ответ:most suitable modal verb: must, have to, should, ought to:
1. I … clean my room. I always do it on Saturday.
2. I … to clean my room tomorrow.
3. My granny is in hospital. I … visit her.
4. You … to see “Titanic” – it’s a great film.
5. This is a terrible party. We really … go home.
6. You … watch TV for so long.
7. This is a lovely party, but it’s getting late and we … to go home.
8. Alice wants to improve her English. She … work harder.
9. Drivers … to obey the speed limit.
10. I often … cook supper because my parents work late hours.
2. Complete the sentences using the most suitable modal verb: can, could, may, might :
1. Robert … speak English well enough to talk without an interpreter.
2. Mother, … I come back home at 11 tonight?
3. Father … repair my broken bicycle.
4. I … come round this evening.
5. They say I … do sums well.
6. Bob … phone this evening.
7. Johnny, dear, … you do something for me.
8. … you go shopping this evening?
9. I … do the flat myself.
10. It … rain soon.
3. Choose the right variant
1. Can/could you explain me the grammar rule? (you are talking to your friend)
2. Bess might/may go to the theatre tonight. (you are 50% sure)
3. Mary must/ have to clean her room because Mary’s mother asked her to do it.
4. I want to look great. I have to/must stop eating junk food.
5. I have to/must stop drinking coffee. My doctor said it is bad for my heart.
Даунши́фтинг (англ. downshifting, переключение автомобиля на более низкую передачу, а также замедление или ослабление какого-либо процесса) — термин, обозначающий человеческую философию «жизни ради себя», «отказа от чужих целей»[источник не указан 260 дней]. Родственен понятиям «simple living» (с англ образ жизни») и «опрощение». Люди, причисляющие себя к дауншифтерам, склонны отказываться от стремления к пропагандируемым общепринятым благам (постоянному увеличению материального капитала, карьерному росту и т.д.), ориентируясь на «жизнь ради себя».
Наибольшее развитие дауншифтинг получил в США и Австралии.[источник не указан 191 день]
they caught him and took him to prison. But while they were taking
photographs of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat,
without a hat — he suddenly attacked one of the policemen and ran away
Then a week later the telephone rang in the police station and somebody
said : "You are looking for Ben Jackson, aren't you?" - - "Yes." -
"Well, he was at Victoria Station an hour ago. He had probably left
London by now."
The city police immediately sent four different photos of the robber to
the railway police. All the trains are searched .
Less than two hours later they got a telephone call from a small town not
far from London. "We caught three of the men," they said
happily, "and we hoped to catch the fourth very soon."