1 She said that she was watching TV the previous night / the night before.
2 He said that he had seen...
3 They said that they had had a...
4 I said that I hadn' t seen her.
5 They said that they had been happy...
6 My father said that as a young boy he had collected stickers.
7 They said that they had played a lot of tennis the previous year / the year before.
8 She said that she had a headache.
9 They said that they had driven right down to Athens the year before.
10 He said that he was watching the late night show.
11 She said that they had been interested in...
12 Mum asked / ordered me to get up immediately.
13 My grandmother said that she took her medicine regular.
14 I said that I didn't feel better then / at that moment.
15 Bobby said that his father took him to school every day.
Где, там части предложения остаются, как в исходном варианте.
In the family of Gregons appeared charming but awfully disobedient Labrador puppy named Marley. He constantly disgraces, does not listen to anyone and delivers a lot of problems to his masters. And then he becomes a real family member. He was the first child, he did not let them sleep, he made John and Jennifer grow up. They became good parents. The dog brought up a man, made another look at the world. A dog does not need expensive cars, big houses or designer clothes, a stick stuck in the water will be enough. A dog is still poor or rich, smart or stupid, witty or boring, give her your heart, and she will give you hers.
The film ends with the death of Marley (he is an old and very sick dog, the owners decide to put him to sleep so that he does not suffer). The life of a dog is several times shorter than ours, and it is hard to lose your pets.
Friendship, affection, love - those feelings that arise in our pets.