Doctor-By what device did you come to our clinic?
The buyer, I don’t know, tell me something from the head.
D-I think you should buy Citramon. Is this the right drug for you?
P-do not worry, it is not so important.
D- I advise you to go to the doctor and get checked.
I’m sure to go.
D-something else you want to purchase?
P: yes, please, you can give vitamins of your choice. To improve the functioning of brain activity
D - yes of course. They will do.
P: yes, can you tell us a little about these vitamins?
D: These vitamins improve brain activity, they should not be drunk more than 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, and evening. They are quite sweet in taste and look good.
P: thank you very much I just bought vitamins for my daughter's children, but she doesn’t drink medicine, including vitamins. D: don't come again yet. P: Bye D: Bye
Popular science literature - literary works about science, scientific achievements and scientists, intended for a wide range of readers.
Popular science literature is designed both for specialists from other fields of knowledge and for poorly trained readers, including children and adolescents.
Popular science literature includes works on the foundations and individual problems of fundamental and applied sciences, biographies of scientists, descriptions of travels, etc., written in various genres.
The best popular essays promote the achievements of science in a form that is most accessible to the readers to whom they are intended. Non-fiction literature is adjacent to popular science literature.
Popular knowledge sensu stricto is knowledge not for specialists, but for a wide range of adult amateurs with a general education. Therefore, it cannot be considered an introductory science; school textbooks serve these purposes, not popular books. A characteristic feature of the popular presentation of scientific knowledge is the lack of details and, above all, controversial opinions, as a result of which this knowledge appears artificially simplified. The form of this presentation has artistic appeal, liveliness and accessibility. More importantly, it is presented in an apodictic manner that allows one to simply accept or reject points of view. Simplification, imagery and apodicticity of judgments are the most characteristic features of exoteric knowledge.
This is the strongest coffee I have ever tried.