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Is Malibu on a beach on the Pacific Ocean? - общий Malibu is on a beach on the Pacific Ocean, isn't it? - разделит Is Malibu on a beach on the Pacific Ocean or Indian Ocean? - альтернатив What is on a beach on the Pacific Ocean? - к подлежащему Where is Malibu? - специальный
My hobby is playing the game "What?Where?When?". It is a popular Russian game. Very clever people play it on TV. The rules are very simple. Six people answer questions. They've got one minute for each question. Our school team is not on TV of course, but we are good for our age. I am in the team. Take a look. This is our captain. Her name is Dina. She is in Class 9. She is good at Russian Literature and History. And this is our best player Andrey. He is in Class 10. Andrey is very good at Mathematics and Physics. This is Andrey's friends Kate. She is good at foreign languages. And here are Nick and Denis. They are brothers. They are very talented. Their answers are sometimes surprising, but they are always right. I am friends with Nick and Denis. Nick is also in my class.
What is the weather like in your city?. I want to tell you about our weather. Today the weather is pretty bad and gloomy. It has been raining non-stop since early morning and it doesn't look like it is going to clear up any time soon. In the place where I live the weather very changeable, so people always inquire what it is going to be like tomorrow. It can bring sunshine and heat one day, rain and cold the next day. Autumn brings heavy rains and winds to our region. And now i want to know about weather in your city. With love Nastya
Malibu is on a beach on the Pacific Ocean, isn't it? - разделит
Is Malibu on a beach on the Pacific Ocean or Indian Ocean? - альтернатив
What is on a beach on the Pacific Ocean? - к подлежащему
Where is Malibu? - специальный