Exersice 5
They have lived in that flat for five years.
We have been in this lesson since three o'clock.
I've like fishing for nine months.
exercise 6
2.I've been in this class since 8AM
3.We have been best friends since college .
4. I've been studying in this school for 5 years.
5. I've lived in my house for twelve years .
6. I have been learning English since 2012.
exercise 7.
2. How long have you been in this class?
3. When have you met your best friend?
4.How many years have you studied in this school?
5. How many years have you lived in your house ?
6. Where have you studied English?
1.Do you update computer security on time? 2.Did someone offer her a job? 3.Why did they give him a promotion? 4.Does virus software keep your computer clean? 4.And to launch a new computer program was installed a defender against viruses? 5.Did they install a defender before launching a new computer program? 6.Did employees download a validated program last month?
Глаголы в английском языке употребляются в активной форме залога — «the Active Voice» и в пассивной (страдательной) — «the Passive Voice». В активном залоге субъект выполняет действие, указанное глаголом, а в пассивном — на субъект действует сам глагол. She wrote a book (Active) – A book was written by her (Passive). So easy! Но давайте на всякий случай уточним некоторые детали. C'mon.
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