В мире очень много рыб. Они бывают разные. И большие и маленькие. Караси, пескари, окуни. There are a lot of fish in the world.They are different. And big and small. Carp,minnors,perch.
Fish is a good animal. She swims vizde both in the oceans and in the seas. Fishermen catch it, because it serves food and people and animals. For a polar bear, this is the main food, but let's all still take care of nature including fish !
Are you leving party now? Present continiuos Do you love him? Present simple Have you ( or have you got ) brothers or sisters? Present Simple Who cooks dinner tonight а здесь допустимо и Present Simple, и Present Continiuos, англ язык, к сожалению, богат на такие двойственности Who is cooking dinner tonight? Does he send you an e-mail every day? Проверьте свой текст если send, то так, как я указала выше. Если sent, то Did he send you an e-mail every day? На 4 предложении настаиваю на варианте Who is cooking dinner tonight?
1)I wish you loved poems 2)I wish I followed your advice 3)I wish you knew his works 4)I wish it was a spring 5)I wish you have ever been in England 6)I wish we met her in theatre 7)I wish you arreved to the summer cottage 8)I wish the weather were good 9)I wish you were never late 10)I wish I knew where had they went 11)I wish we lived with them as a neighbors 12)She wish she came earlier 13)The girl wish she could dance 14)He wish he heve ever been in our club 15)I wish you missed so interesting lecture 16)Mrs. Smith wish her son were a doctor
There are a lot of fish in the world.They are different. And big and small. Carp,minnors,perch.