1.They are working because they want to make our life comfortable and they want we to have a good future
2. task or tasks to be undertaken
3. job - work for which you receive regular payment example:part-time ,full-time works
Profession-type of job that needs special knowledge example dentists,doctor,lawyer(адвокат)
work-the job that person does especially in order to earn money
4.wage -regular amoumt of money that you earn,usually ,ebery week,for work or services
salary-payment for a job
можно лучший ответ(звездочки)исердечко если это была полезным и удачи
3. I am writing to my cousin in Poland.
4. My sister have an interesting job.
5. We have enjoyed the party on saturday.
6. This will not be able to go to Pakistan this year.
7. I have opened my bank account in July 8.