ответ: волк
объяснение: вид хищных млекопитающих из семейства псовых. волки сильные для своих размеров, достаточной силой, чтобы перевернуть коня или замороженные туши лося.большинство волков — хищники среднего и большого размера, наиболее крупными являются серый и полярный волки: их рост в холке может достигать 85 см, а длина туловища без учета хвоста составляет 150-160 см. размер и вес хищников полностью соответствуют правилу бергмана: чем суровее среда обитания — тем крупнее зверь, поэтому самые большие волки весом до 85-90 кг обитают в сибири, хотя средняя масса волка составляет около 35-50 кг. самые мелкие — это аравийские волки, их максимальный рост в холке составляет всего 66 см, а вес самок не превышает 10 кг. у любой разновидности волков самки мельче самцов.
even at school, children can easily find italy on the map, because the country is located on peninsula that looks like an old-school boot. it is a very beautiful country with ancient culture, beautiful architecture, amazing history and delicious food.
in italy there is the highest mountain in europe - mont blanc (a "white mountain"). this peak is located on the border between france and germany in the western alps. there are only three active volcanoes in europe: etna, stromboli and vesuvius. all of them are located in south part of italy. moreover, etna is the most active volcano in the world.
more than 40 million tourists visit italy annually and the country is on the 4th place in the world according to this statistics. there are more than 3,000 museums throughout the country. the cello, the violin and the piano were invented there. the place is unique because on streetы there are no any homeless animals and orphanages in the country. there are two dwarfish states on its territory. the italians are wine fans - the average resident of italy drinks more than 26 liters of wine every year. the average life expectancy of the locals is 79.5 years.
On weekdays,I went to school from 9 o`clock in the morning until 4 o`clock in the afternoon I did my homework. I got a lot of homework!
At the weekend, I saw my friends. during the day we played football or went to the park. i loved football! in the evening, we watched television or went to the cinema.