Shop Assistant: Can I help you?
Yes, please. We’re looking for some materials. We want to make our own art. We have competition at school.
Shop assistant: Mm OK. How about this? It's a candle-making kit. It's one of the most popular products.
Lena: I really like it; I think I'm going to make my own candles.
Talgat: I’m looking for something a bit different
Lena: Well, how about this? Everyone always needs soap
Talgat: Oh, soap! That's a better idea than candles.
Lena: Thank you.
Lena: Talgat, you need to think about the colors.
Talgat: Ash us artists, we prefer to create. I’m not going to think about them. You know, we do what comes naturally.
Lena: And I think you should be more careful. Prepare. You need to read the instructions
Talgat: I don’t need to read the instructions. I’m nearly finished.
Lena: Ok…
After the competition
Lena: Don’t be sad….I told you that you need to take your time and prepare well.
Talgat: I didn’t think that it’s so important to follow instructions, they looks perfect….but…
didn’t win the competition at school.
так?Возможно я ошибаюсь.
Тигра очень живой и подвижный. Он обожает прыгать. Именно благодаря живучести своего характера он является другом кенгурёнка Ру, но за это его не любит Кролик, так как Тигруля часто всё ломает. Но в целом он хороший товарищ и друг.
На английском:
The tiger is very lively and mobile. He loves to jump. It is thanks to the vitality of his character that he is a friend of the kangaroo Ru, but for this the Rabbit does not like him, since Tigger often breaks everything. But in general he is a good friend and comrade.