First of all, I would like to say that especially none of the parents is not engaged in this. Usually children, both at younger age, and older teenagers do it completely unconsciously, just observing the parents. That is, what kind of purchases are made, and what they save, as they say about wealth or loss and what emotions it is accompanied, it is hard or easy they earn and the like, just to be benchmarks on the way of understanding the future mature personality of finance. And although this stratum of knowledge is still poorly studied, in our time is already finding a place such an interesting area of science as the psychology of money. This section helps us today to describe the relationship between material resources and the way a teenager looks at them. But not only. The special development of this teaching gets at present, when to the person from an early age it is necessary to instill skills and skills on use of money. Thus some states, developing this area of knowledge, helps to form in the person economic literacy. Which is very useful in modern society. In terms of pedagogy, it is safe to say that finances affect the behaviour of young children as well as adolescents.
Прежде всего, хочется сказать, что специально никто из родителей этим не занимается. Обычно дети, как в младшем возрасте, так и более старшие подростки делают это абсолютно бессознательно, просто наблюдая за родителями. То есть, то какие покупки делают, и на чём экономят, как говорят о достатке или убытке и какими эмоциями это сопровождается, тяжело или легко они зарабатывают и тому подобное, как раз и будут ориентирами на пути понимания будущей зрелой личности финансов. И хотя данный пласт знаний пока является малоизученным, в наше время уже находит себе место такая интересная область науки, как психология денег. Данный раздел и сегодня нам описать взаимосвязь между материальными средствами и тем, как на них смотрит подросток. Но и не только. Особенное развитие это учение получает в настоящее время, когда человеку уже с раннего возраста необходимо прививать навыки и умения по использованию денег. Тем самым некоторые государства, развивая эту область знаний формировать в человеке экономическую грамотность, что очень полезно в современном обществе. с точки зрения педагогики, можно с уверенностью сказать, что финансы влияют на поведение, как маленьких детей, так и подростков.
Like people all over the world, Americans carry out traditions on the last day of the year to let go of the past and latch on to the future. Fireworks, champagne and midnight smooching are among the festive ways New Years is celebrated in the U.S. Many people enjoy welcoming in the New Year with family and friends, while others prefer a public celebration amongst a crowd of boisterous revelers.
Times Square
Watching the colorful, crystal ball drop in Time Square never gets old for the TV viewers who turn on their TV sets every December 31. Since 1907, barring World War II years, New York City has hosted a massive party on Times Square. As many as 1 million people attend this party every year to enjoy musical performances, fireworks and party favors, although alcohol is forbidden. The culmination of the festivities is the midnight lowering of a ball from the Times Tower. The original 1907 ball was illuminated and made of wood and iron. The modern ball weighs 11,875 pounds and is covered in Waterford crystals that make it shine.
Midnight Count Down
Traditions frequently revolve around the stroke of midnight, which heralds the new year. At both public and private gatherings, people count down the last 10 seconds of the old year at 12 a.m. Many people toast to the new year with a glass of champagne while others grab a loved one or a friendly stranger and bestow upon him the first kiss of the year. Many towns and cities put on a show with fireworks and provide noisemakers, meant to scare off evil spirits. Some Americans band together and sing "Auld Lang Syne," an Irish song bidding farewell to the old year.
Symbolic Foods
Some Americans eat certain foods either at New Year's Eve parties or on New Year's Day to bring good luck. European-Americans often eat pork, not only because the pig's plumpness suggests plenty, but also because pigs dig with their snout in a forward motion. People like the idea of moving forward into the Near Year. New Englanders often choose cabbage to go with their pork as a symbol of prosperity. Another dish for prosperity is Hoppin' John, a southern dish made of black-eyed peas. Not only do the "eyes" on the black-eyed peas resemble a circle for the completed year, but they also represent abundance, symbolizing the hope for a similar amount of money.