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On october 31,halloween is celebrated.this is the eve of all saints day.halloween is traditionally associated with telling ghost stories and bonfires.in the past,people believed that all wiches,ghost and other evil spirits wanted to take over the world on that day.to scare away the spirits,people started to get dressed in costumes,put on spiiky mask and light bonfires. переведите со смыслом( много ): there are also some special holidays which are usually celebrated in a particular country.pancake day is a traditional british holiday.but people dont only eat pancakes on this day,they run with them.in many towns in england pancake reces are held ebery year.these races are run by housewives. the most american holiday is thanksgiving day.it was first celebrated in early colonial times by pilgrim fathers after their first good harvest.thanksgiving is a day when the family eats a large traditional dinner,usually with turkey and pumpkin pie. for ireland,the most important festival is st partricks day on march 17.st patrick was born in fourth century and grew in ireland.st patrick put all his efforts to make ireland a christian country,establishing churches and school everywhere.that is why st.patrick is considered the patron of ireland.

31 октября празднуется Хэллоуин. Это канун Дня всех святых. Хэллоуин традиционно ассоциируется с рассказом о призрачных историях и кострах. В люди считали, что все здешние, призрак и другие злые духи хотели захватить мир в этот день. Чтобы отпугнуть духов, люди стали одеваться в костюмы, надеть пряную маску и легкие костры.
 Есть также некоторые специальные праздники, которые обычно отмечаются в той или иной стране. Панкейский день - это традиционный британский праздник. Но люди не только едят блины в этот день, они бегают с ними. Во многих городах Англии блинчики проходят в эберийском году. Эти расы управляются домохозяйками.
Самый американский праздник - День благодарения. Он был впервые отмечен в ранние колониальные времена отцами-паломниками после их первого хорошего урожая. Деньги - это день, когда семья ест большой традиционный ужин, как правило, с пирогом из индейки и тыквы.
Для Ирландии самым важным праздником является День Святого Партрикса 17 марта. Патрик родился в четвертом веке и вырос в Ирландии. Патрик приложил все усилия, чтобы превратить Ирландию в христианскую страну, создавая церкви и школу повсюду. Вот почему .Патрик считается покровителем Ирландии.
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1.There is a great deal of difference in the phagocyte activity of cor­puscles concerning such substances as carbon and quartz particles, the former being ingested much more rapidly than the latter.
2. During the experiment the node and all efferent vessels were cleaned, care being taken to avoid trauma to the structures.
3. The heart is a double pump, the volumes expelled by the right and left ventricles being the same.
4. The experiment having been finished, we were ready to discuss it.
5. Diastole is the relaxation phase of the heartbeat, the atria and ventri­cles filling with blood.
1. Существует большая разница в фагоцитарной активности корпускул в отношении таких веществ, как частицы углерода и кварца, причем первые попадают гораздо быстрее, чем последние.
2. Во время эксперимента узел и все эфферентные сосуды были очищены с осторожностью, чтобы избежать травм структур.
3. Сердце - это двойной насос, причём объемы, выбрасываемые правым и левым желудочками, одинаковы.
4. Закончив эксперимент, мы были готовы его обсудить.
5. Диастола - это фаза релаксации сердцебиения, во время которого предсердия и желудочки, наполняются кровью.
4,7(19 оценок)
England is one of the most visited countries in the world. Thanks to its long history and pervasive culture, it has become a popular tourist destination. Being a part of the United Kingdom, it shares land borders with Scotland and Wales. The word “England” is of Old English origin. It means “land of the Angles”. The Angles were Germanic tribes, which inhabited Britain in Early Middle Ages. Today England is an influential colonial country with the capital in London. Other major cities worth seeing are Bath, Bristol, Dover, Oxford, Liverpool, Manchester. The political system of the country is dual. It is both a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.Tourism plays an important part in the economy of the country. Tourists from all over the world come to see the top attractions of England, which include the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, Stonehenge, Roman Baths, Leeds Castle, Stratford-upon-Avon and some other places of historical and architectural significance. Dating back to the 11th century, the Tower of London has served as a royal palace, fortress, a prison, a place of execution, a jewel house. The Queen Anne Boleyn was beheaded there in 1536 for treason against her husband, King Henry VIII. Today people visit the Tower to see the Crown Jewels and famous ravens. St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. It has one of the highest domes in the world and is considered to be the second largest church in the UK. St Paul is a place of important services. The funerals and weddings of many prominent Englishmen were held there.Legendary Canterbury Cathedral, located in Kent, is one of the oldest Christian structures in the country. It was founded in 597 but completely rebuilt in the 11th-12th centuries. Its Gothic style attracts many connoisseurs of architecture. Stonehenge is one of the most prominent and earliest prehistoric sites of England. It is situated on the Salisbury plain in Wiltshire. Although there are other ancient and large monuments, none is so impressive and evocative. Stonehenge is a mysterious place. It is believed to be 5,000 years old and listed as a World Heritage Site. Bath Spa is another attractive place in England. The Roman Baths, situated there, were built in the 1st century AD. Apart from hot springs one can find lots of Gothic architecture in the streets of the resort city. Leeds Castle was the favourite residence of King Edward I. During the reign of Henry VIII it was used as the residence for his first wife Catherine of Aragon. The castle is open for public visits since 1976. Many tourists wish to visit Stratford-upon-Avon, as it’s the birthplace of a literary genius William Shakespeare. This small town receives about 800 thousand visitors a year.
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