1. Learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing.
2. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby.
3. Yes, I do. I study English.
4. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.
5. English is very popular now. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport, politics, literature and glamour. English is the official voice of the air and the sea, and Christianity. English language is a wonderful language.
Я люблю читать, я люблю кататься на велосипеде, и мне очень нравится история. Но мое самое главное хобби – это рисование.
Я начал рисовать, когда был еще маленьким. Мама с папой очень часто дарили мне фломастеры самых разных цветов, цветные карандаши и красивую, белоснежную бумагу для рисования. Мне нравилось изображать на чистом листе что-нибудь красивое, растения, животных, иногда людей. Поэтому я нередко сам делал открытки для мамы и папы.
My hobby is drawing
I have a lot of favorite Hobbies. I love to read, I like to ride a bike, and I love the story. But my most important hobby is drawing.
I started painting when I was little. Mom and dad very often gave me felt pens of different colors, colored pencils and a beautiful, snow-white drawing paper. I like to portray on a clean sheet something beautiful, plants, animals, sometimes people. That's why I often made postcards for mom and dad myself.