read the text. complete the gaps in the text (1-8) with the sentences (a-i) below.
there is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
a. josh is a great fan of cinema, and even when in foreign countries, he
always makes an effort to watch a film, even if it’s in a language he can’t
b. josh didn’t really like the attention at first.
c. it must have taken me about a month to organise them all.
d. at first, only his friends knew about his collection.
e. josh doesn’t think his collection is very important but he doesn’t want to
displease his mother.
f. i’m a photographer, so i travel a lot.
g. josh’s enthusiasm for collecting will keep him occupied for many years to
h. some people even got inspired to start their own collections.
i. josh’s mother actually had the idea of arranging the tickets in albums.
strange hobbies
josh lemming has a very strange hobby. he collects aeroplane, bus and train tickets
from every place he has ever travelled to. so far, he has over 1000 tickets. he arranges
them in photo albums according to date, type and country.
‘when i mention my collection,’ says josh, ‘most people respond, ‘you can’t be
serious.’ but once they see my albums, they realise i’m actually pretty serious. 1…..
i’ve been to over 50 countries.’
josh began collecting his tickets about 10 years ago. ‘it may seem a little crazy, but
one day, as i was getting off a bus in madrid, spain, i decided to keep my bus ticket,
instead of throwing it away. after that, i’ve never thrown away another ticket.’
2….. she is an avid stamp collector, and has stamps dating back to the early 1900s.
‘after seeing the way she organised her stamps, i decided to organise my tickets in a
similar manner. mine were just in plastic bags. my mother bought me a bunch of
albums for my birthday, and i sorted through the plastic bags. 3….. but now, it’s a lot
easier to look through my tickets.’
josh has become well-known in his hometown of newcastle, australia. 4….. then, a
local newspaper reporter heard about josh. she called him and requested an interview,
as well as a viewing of his collection. ‘i wasn’t really surprised to learn that the local
newspaper was interested in my collection. but then again, i guess people like hearing
about peculiar things.’
after the newspaper published an article on josh called ‘the ticket collector’, more
and more people began contacting josh in order to view his collection. 5….. marie
newton, a local resident, started collecting her own travel tickets. ‘i found josh’s
collection to be a great way to keep a record of all the places i’ve been to. after seeing
it, i decided to start saving my tickets, though i definitely don’t travel as much as he
does. it might actually make me start travelling more! ’
6….. ‘it was kind of strange,’ he explains. ‘all of a sudden i was getting all this
attention simply for doing something that was meaningful to me. but now i’m used to
it. plus, in a way, i’m proud of my collection. it represents a lot of hard work.’
josh continues to collect his travel tickets. however, he has started a new collection –
cinema tickets. 7….. ‘so far, i only have about 65 tickets,’ josh says, ‘but that’s only
one year’s worth. i plan on seeing a lot more films, believe me.’ he has already begun
organising the tickets in albums, which were, again, a gift from his mother.
8….. ‘one day, i hope to sit down with my children and show them all the things i
have collected. hopefully, they’ll appreciate it – after all, it seems like collecting runs
in my family.’
Однажды утром в воскресенье было тепло и хорошо, и Алиса решила провести день на свежем воздухе.Она вышла из дома,купила пакетик чипсов, повернула направо,посмотрела на недавно покрашенные дома и пошла в парк. Алиса медленно шла и смотрела на играющих детей и их улыбающихся матерей, на летающих змеев и разноцветные шары.Болтающие подростки были очень шумными.И Алиса повернулась налево.Там не было ничего, кроме пения птиц и бегающих белок на деревьях.Вскоре она устала и решила посидеть на скамейке и читал ее книгу. Она нашла скамейку под большим зеленым деревом.Там сидел старик.Он читал газету.Алиса сидела dowb по выбранной Денч, достал свою книгу и начал читать.На скамейке между ней и стариком лежала пачка чипсов.Алиса tooc некоторые из theb из открытого пакета, и старик тоже принял.Алиса удивилась.Она посмотрела на незнакомца, но он был спокоен.Алиса ничего не сказала И снова начала читать. Каждый раз, когда Элис брала чипсы из пакета,старик тоже брал.Вскоре остались только несколько чипсов leftvin пакет.Девушка посмотрела на странного старика.Нэ взял два последних несъеденных чипса и отдал один Элис. Девушка была удивлена.Она положила незаконченную книгу в сумку и как можно быстрее ушла.Она вернулась домой и достала книгу из сумки.И вдруг она увидела в сумке нераспечатанную пачку чипсов.