After graduating from a four-year primary school she went to high school. Education in primary and secondary schools continued for eleven years. The school year lasts nine months. A nine-year education is compulsory for all. Compulsory education in England begins with five. When children are seven years old, they go to the junior school which ends in eleven years. If children go to grammar school, they get a good secondary education. The main subjects in English shkole- English Mathematics Biology and Chemistry. English schoolchildren wear uniforms. Boys and girls in private English schools do not learn together ...
Space exploration — the discovery and exploration of outer space using space technology. Physical exploration of space conducted both with manned space flight and unmanned spacecraft. Technical study of the cosmos preceded the development of astronomy and the creation of large and relatively efficient rockets in the early twentieth century. Space exploration was one area of rivalry between the USSR and the USA in the cold war. The beginning of the era of space exploration can be considered the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite — Sputnik 1 launched by Soviet Union on 4 October 1957. The Soviet space program was at the forefront.
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