Можно написать вот так: Well, I do after school is that I first go back home and if I am hungry I eat and have a small rest after my busy day and the food. Then after the rest I go and do my homework for the day. After when I am done with my homework I have a free choice. So then I do whatever I want to. And so this is my after school time.
After school I always come home, and go eat my dinner. Тhen I rest a little and go to do my homework. When I've done all the lessons, I can play some games on the computer. I often go out with friends.
Yuri Gagarin was the first cosmonaut in the world. Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was born on the 9th ofMarch, 1934. He was born in the village of Klushino in the Smolensk region. Yura was an active,brave and curious boy. His father was jack of all trades and he helped his son when Yura made toyplanes by hand. But the war began. Yuri Gagarin and his mother, father, brother and sister left theirhouse and had to live in a dug-out. After the war Gagarin’s family moved to Gzhatsk. Now it isGagarin. It was named after the first cosmonaut. In 1951 Gagarin graduated from a vocationalschool in Lyubertsy near Moscow.
1If you … (looked) both ways before crossing the street, you wouldn’t have been knocked down. 2 If I (were) you, I would phone my mother tonight. 3 If he hadn’t stopped the car, he … (would have had) an accident. 4 I … (would give) some money to charity if I won a competition. 5 Unless we … (leaves) now, we’ll be late. 6 Your friend wouldn’t have phoned if you … (had not met) her in the street. 7 If I hadn’t woken up early, I … (would have been) late for work. 8 If I … (had ) more time, I would tidy the garden. 9 If John … (phones), can you take a message. 10 If I were you, I … (would get) someone to help me.