Almaty - Kazakhstan's southern capital, a city of a half million inhabitants, the administrative, economic and cultural center of the country. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains semicircle Trans-Ili Alatau, it captivates with its originality. Alpine meadows, Tien-Shan spruce, gardens serve it as a kind of frame. On a high hill Koktyube is surveyed the entire city - panorama strictly lined with dressed in green neighborhoods, shot up into the bright blue sky beautiful tall buildings. Successfully entered in a mountain landscape, subordinate unified original decision, they make a beautiful city's skyline, which are widely used elements of national culture and achievements of modern construction equipment.
Almaty - a garden city. Half of its area is occupied by green spaces - pyramidal and silver poplar, elm, oak, birch, linden, black locust, pine and spruce. In the spring, when everything blooms, Almaty is particularly good. White foam gardens cover the surrounding mountains and down in the midst of urban neighborhoods, spread out a red carpet of tulips. Summer evening cool breeze from the mountains, and called for a walk along the boulevards and avenues, in an area with colorful flower beds, where bizarre spray jets scattered numerous fountains. Autumn foliage of gold charms, penetrated by the sun, the scent of the famous Almaty apples - aport. And how beautiful the city winter, short but frosty and snowy. On skis and skates stand then all citizens.
At all times of the year attracts mountain skating rink "Medeo". The famous ice ice world records, sparkles under the bright mountain sun. Because of its exceptional natural and unique data engineering and architectural design, the sports complex has received worldwide fame, became the pride of Almaty.
South capital of Kazakhstan is generous and hospitable. Heat and sun greets the guests and she prettier every year.
For information: Almaty, Kazakh language is translated as "Apple", while the Alma-Ata - is a collection of Kazakh words "Apple-grandfather." There is a good article about the names of the city, read вроде так
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