Michael Schumacher (Mickhael Schumacher) - this is the German and the most titled famous racer of Formula 1 in Russia. Michael Schumacher was born on January 3, 1969. For his biography, Schumacher managed to perform for such famous clubs as Jordan (from 1991 to 1992), Benetton (from 1992 to 1995), Ferrari (from 1996 to 2006) and Mercedes-Benz. Schumacher participated in 236 races, scored 86 victories, stood on 145 catwalks of the Queen of motorsports. And it was Michael Schumacher who was the only seven-time world champion in the world who won the title in 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
For the long history of Formula 1 Michael Schumacher set an absolute record for victories, champion titles, points and winning podiums. Also in one season of 2004 he won the maximum possible points, namely 148 points. Dozens of riders can not even win a race once in their entire career, and Michael has been winning every year for 15 consecutive years at least once.
Also, from the biography of Michael Schumacher, you can not erase unpleasant facts. He owns one and extremely dubious achievement: this is the only pilot in history, disqualified for the whole season. Everything happened in 1997, when, during the decisive race, Schumacher deliberately took the Jacques Villeneuve, his main rival in the fight for the title, off the route of the Canadian.
Michael Schumacher has always been known as a prudent and very fast pilot. Schumacher from the first minutes led the race at the limit of their capabilities. This German at every turn sought from his car the ideal behavior, trying to incredibly accurately control the bow of the car at the entrance to the turn, while he also skillfully controlled the inertia of the rear of the car. In the passage of turns he was never equal. And while he had a special ability - using switches on the steering wheel, already in the process of the race to customize his car, getting from the car a clear and predictable reaction to each of his actions.
Perhaps the most difficult season in the pilot's career was the 1999 season. When on the 30th second of the race in the struggle for leadership Michael Schumacher got into a terrible accident. High speed and brake problems made the Ferrari car uncontrollable. Michael was hardly dragged from a broken car, as a result, he received a double fracture of his right leg, which generally questioned the continuation of his career in Formula 1. The most insulting in this accident is that by that time the judges had already posted a red flag because of a collision of others pilots, but Michael did not know this and, continuing the race, attacked his team-mate - Irvine - with all his strength. But even after such a serious accident, this German did not hurry to give up. Soon after all the transferred operations and hard training, he returned to the track to set new records, once again proving that he is the best pilot of our time.
There are many holidays in our country, the 8th of March is one of them.It is a happy and nice holiday. It is a good tradition in our country to give presents and flowers to women on this day. Each family celebrates this spring holiday. In the morning men go to the shops or markets to buy some flowers. They try to clean flats and help women to cook a holiday dinner.Sons and daughters help their mothers too: they make a cake, lay the table and wash dishes after holiday dinner.All the members of the families try to be well dressed on this day.Some families celebrate the 8th of March going to the theatres and concerts. They buy tickets beforehand.Others prefer to invite guests and stay at home.There is almost the same holiday in England. It is called Mothers" Day and celebrated also in spring. Sons and daughters come and give gifts to their mothers on this day.If it is not possible to see a mother, one can send presents and cards to her. Flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all mothers in England. All women try to be nice and happy on this day это перевод 8 марта-Международный женский день.Есть много праздников в нашей стране, 8-ое марта один из них. Это - счастливый и хороший праздник. Дарить подарки и цветы женщинам в этот день - хорошая традиция в нашей стране. Каждая семья празднует этот праздник весны. Утром мужчины идут в магазины или на рынки чтобы купить цветы. Они пытаются убрать квартиры и женщинам приготовить праздничный обед.
Сыновья и дочери своим матерям также: они пекут пирог, накрывают на стол и моют посуду после праздничного обеда.
Все члены семьи пытаются быть хорошо одетыми в этот день.
Некоторые семьи идут в театр или на концерт. Они покупают билеты заранее.
Другие предпочитают приглашать гостей и оставаться дома.
Есть почти такой же праздник в Англии. Это называют День матери и он празднуется также весной. Сыновья и дочери приезжают и делают подарки своим матерям в этот день.
Если нет возможности повидать мать, можно послать ей подарки и открытки. Цветы и пироги - традиционные подарки для всех матерей Англии. Все женщины пытаются быть красивыми и счастливыми в этот день.
Dear ...(имя вставить)
You are invited to my bithday party
on (твой день рождения)
My adress is (твой адрес)
Hope to see you there!
(твоё имя)
Ничего сложного не вижу на самом деле, сама делала когда-то