ответ: Non-identifying clauses:
1. Each intelligence is a skill which people are good at.
2. Shakira has an IQ of 140, which almost makes her genius.
3. She has the ability to move her body on a stage, where the movements she makes create a performance.
Identify clauses:
1. The theory proposes that there is not just one, 'intelligence', but eight or more, 'intelligences' that we all have to a greater or lesser extent.
2. According to this system, intelligence is easy to quantify, but one theory suggests that calculating intelligence is a lot more complicated.
3. ''Everything that we do involves the brain and so it's to be expected that different brain areas-how could it not be the case?''
4. A dancer may not have a high IQ, but, according to Gardner, that does not mean she is not intelligent.
5. We have all of the various intelligences to some extent; it's just that we usually excel at just one.
Объяснeние: Думаю, что правильно. Хех, я сдержал обещание))