My younger brother has been borrowing my laptop without asking for my permission. (Мой младший брат берет мой ноутбук, не спрашивая у меня разрешения.)
He has broken my favourite mug but hasn't apologized. (Он разбил мою любимую кружку, но не извинился.)
He has eaten a bar of chocolate that I bought yesterday. (Он съел плитку шоколада, которую я вчера купил(а).)
He has worn my denim jacket several times. (Он несколько раз надевал/носил мою джинсовую куртку.)
I have been trying to do my homework but he has turned up the radio and has been listening to music! (Я пытаюсь делать уроки, а он включил погромче радио и слушает музыку!)
And to top it all, he hasn't been helping me with household chores. (И в довершение всего, он не мне по дому.)
ответ:Currently, people use various types of transport, including trains, cars, ships, planes. A bicycle, a rocket, a submarine, are also vehicles. Transportation is also public, cargo, passenger and special.
Freight transport is designed for the transport of goods, people use public transport on a certain route within the city. This includes buses, trams, route taxis, electric trains. Metro is also a type of public transport. This is the name of the underground underground railway, which operates on electricity. Special transport is designed for special tasks. This includes fire trucks, ambulances, police cars.
Before, when all this equipment was not yet available, people used animals: donkeys, elephants, horses, were ideal for carrying heavy loads and moving long distances. Later people came up with the idea of moving through the air in a balloon. Many travelers used balloons for round-the-world travel. After a while, the first engine was created, so the steam locomotive appeared, followed by a steam engine. Since then, the transport is constantly updated and improved.
Transport plays a significant role in the daily life of a person. The most popular type is a car. Its characteristics - mobile, budget, suitable for any distance on the road. People like to travel by car. There are also sports cars. We live at a time when the presence of a personal car and its model, indicate the social status of a person.
Everyone agrees that transportation is a necessary, convenient and cool thing. The modern world will stop without transport. Its only drawback is that it pollutes the air with the exhaust gases of the burning fuel. But even here, people have achieved another breakthrough, since a new electric car has already been created, which operates a battery.
2 has spoken - т.к. есть результат (он знал)
3 have never heard - т. к. never можно заменить ever - спутника Present Perfect
4 came - т.к. обычное действие в
have seen - т.к. есть результат в настоящем (он уже увидел его)
5 has lost - т.к. действие свершилось, и мы видим again (редкий спутник Present Perfect)
7 haven’t found - т.к. есть спутник yet (Present Perfect)