1.This is a house. It is house made of wood. 2.This is a house that Jack built. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for tomorrow's party. 4. What the lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6.The Story was so exciting that children could hardly believe their ears. 7.The Books looks very unusual. I haven't seen a book like this before. - I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know the man who lives in the house.
1) Darling is the longest river in Australia. Дарлинг – это самая длинная река в Австралии. 2) Siberia is covered with heavy forests. Сибирь покрыта большими лесами. 3) Many unique animals of America and Australia attract tourists from Europe. Многие уникальные животные Америки и Австралии привлекают туристов из Европы. 4) The water in Baikal is very clear and many types of plants and fish live there. вода в Байкале очень чистая, многие виды растений и рыб живут там. 5) The lakes of Karelia are rich in fish and many people who like fishing spend their holidays here. Озера Карелии богаты рыбой, многие люди, которые любят рыбалку, проводят здесь свой отпуск.