The pride of the National Zoo in Australia is one of the rarest animals on the planet - King Cheetah Jama. Here you can see the nation's largest collection of big cats, which appear to the visitors in all its beauty, showing the grace and power simultaneously. There is even a zoo lion and tiger hybrids. Zoo offers visitors a feed from the hands of the Bengal tiger (through the bars, of course), to touch a wild dingo, feeding grapes to the Malay bear and brown bear lick honey straight at you with his hands. According to the National Zoo can not just walk around and admire the amazing animals, but also to sit on a picnic with friends and family. At the National Zoo in Australia regular educational programs for schoolchildren. While on vacation guys not only have a great time at the zoo, but also learn a lot of useful information about the life of a variety of animals, learn about their habits and peculiarities.
i got up very early and went to my favorite school... I love my school very much, but i do not like to learn some subject such as mathematik and chemistry... But english is my favorite subject My teacher is very beautiful and clever teacher. And i like our pause(перемена скорее всего) in the school. It is very funny time in the school. And of course i like to get knowledge. My school is my the biggest second home. My form-master help and understand me as such as mother. She is very careful woman. Ilike my beautiful and big school. I think that my schools is the best school of over the world. I like my school very much and want to get knowledge in it!
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