Hi Masha! Do you know whose painting is it? It is really pretty! Oh, wait I found a signature, it says Vasenetsov. I never heard about him. Masha, do you know who is it?
Let's take a look at other paintings by him. What is this? That looks cool! That is like a volcano. I think I saw one really cool painting today ,let's see who painted that. Wait, where is it? Oh nevermind I found it, this is also by Vasenetsov. Who is riding on the horse on this one? Masha, do you know? And who is flying over there? Oh, that is beautiful bird. Where are other paintings? Let's found them together!
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арлотта керман: америка-хорошая страна с большими возможностями прекрасная погода. самое лучшее в америке - это то, что там так много разных народов и культур. кроме того, американцы считаются самыми патриотичными людьми