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Хорошо, давайте рассмотрим каждое предложение по отдельности и исправим ошибки:

1) The film last night was a slightly more interesting than I was expecting.
Ошибка: Слово "more" следует вставить перед "interesting".
Исправление: The film last night was slightly more interesting than I was expecting.

2) My uncle has a good job, but he isn’t as clever than my mum is.
Ошибка 1: Слово "as" следует заменить на "than".
Ошибка 2: Слово "clever" следует поставить перед "than".
Исправление: My uncle has a good job, but he isn't as clever as my mum is.

3) My English essay is a lot worst than yours!
Ошибка: Слово "worst" следует заменить на "worse".
Исправление: My English essay is a lot worse than yours!

4) Some people say that Chinese Mandarin is a difficultest language to learn in the world!
Ошибка: Слово "difficultest" следует заменить на "most difficult".
Исправление: Some people say that Chinese Mandarin is the most difficult language to learn in the world!

5) Sue Holmes is less as famous than her older sister.
Ошибка: Слово "less" следует заменить на "not as".
Исправление: Sue Holmes is not as famous as her older sister.

В итоге, исправленные предложения будут звучать следующим образом:
1) The film last night was slightly more interesting than I was expecting.
2) My uncle has a good job, but he isn't as clever as my mum is.
3) My English essay is a lot worse than yours!
4) Some people say that Chinese Mandarin is the most difficult language to learn in the world!
5) Sue Holmes is not as famous as her older sister.

Надеюсь, это помогло вам разобраться с исправлениями! Если у вас есть еще вопросы, не стесняйтесь задавать их.
4,5(9 оценок)
1. Nobody went to the meeting last week. ...Nobody went to last week's meeting.
Explanation: In this sentence, we can see that the word "nobody" is the subject. "Went" is the verb. The phrase "to the meeting" shows where nobody went. In the second part of the sentence, "last week's meeting" shows which specific meeting nobody went to. The apostrophe and the "s" after "week" indicate possession or ownership, so it is the meeting of last week.

2. The drive to the airport takes two hours.
Explanation: This sentence is a statement about the amount of time it takes to drive to the airport. The subject is "the drive," and the verb is "takes." The phrase "to the airport" tells us where the drive is taking place, and "two hours" specifies the amount of time it takes.

3. They will get their exam results six weeks from now.
Explanation: The sentence is talking about the future event of receiving exam results. "They" is the subject, "will get" is the verb phrase indicating future action, and "their exam results" is the direct object. The phrase "six weeks from now" specifies when they will receive their results.

4. I look after James - Karen - children.
Explanation: This sentence is about taking care of someone's children. The subject is "I", and "look after" is the verb phrase. "James - Karen" specifies whose children, and "children" is the direct object of the verb.

5. I received the letter in the post - yesterday.
Explanation: This sentence is about receiving a letter. The subject is "I", and "received" is the verb. "The letter" is the direct object, and "in the post" specifies how the letter was delivered. "Yesterday" specifies when the action happened.

6. It's autumn. The tree - the leaves are falling off.
Explanation: This sentence describes something happening during the autumn season. "It" is the subject, and "is" is the verb indicating a state of being. "The tree" is the specific tree being discussed. "The leaves" is the direct object of the verb "are falling off". The phrase "are falling off" shows the action or process taking place.

7. Graham never listens to his doctor - the advice.
Explanation: This sentence talks about someone not following advice from their doctor. "Graham" is the subject, and "listens to" is the verb phrase indicating the action of listening or not listening. "His doctor" specifies whose advice, and "the advice" is the direct object.

8. Are you going to Jane - Paula - the party?
Explanation: This sentence is a question asking if someone is going to a party. "You" is the subject, and "are going to" is the verb phrase indicating the action of attending or not attending. "Jane - Paula" specifies who is being asked about, and "the party" is the place or event being asked about.

9. He has never done a hard day of work in his life.
Explanation: This sentence is a statement about someone's work history. "He" is the subject, and "has done" is the verb phrase indicating past action. "Never" and "a hard day of work" describe the type of work done. "In his life" shows the timeframe of the statement.

10. At the moment I'm staying with a friend - my.
Explanation: This sentence talks about someone currently staying with a friend. "I" is the subject, and "am staying" is the verb phrase indicating present action. "With a friend" specifies where the person is staying. "My" indicates that the friend is someone the speaker personally knows.

11. I think I'll order the special of today.
Explanation: This sentence talks about someone ordering food. "I" is the subject, and "think I'll order" is the verb phrase indicating future action. "The special" is the specific item being ordered, and "of today" shows that the special is only available on that day.

12. The man knocked on the house - the door.
Explanation: This sentence describes an action of knocking on a door. "The man" is the subject, and "knocked on" is the verb phrase indicating past action. "The house" specifies whose door was knocked on. "The door" is the specific part of the house where the action happened.

13. The ticket inspector looked at the people - the tickets.
Explanation: This sentence talks about a ticket inspector examining tickets. "The ticket inspector" is the subject, and "looked at" is the verb phrase indicating past action. "The people" specifies whose tickets were looked at. "The tickets" are the specific objects being examined.

14. Mrs Jones - Miss Smith - cars are being serviced.
Explanation: This sentence describes an ongoing action of servicing cars. "Mrs Jones - Miss Smith" specifies whose cars are being serviced. "Cars" is the subject, and "are being serviced" is the verb phrase indicating present action.

15. The sales target this month is two million pounds.
Explanation: This sentence states an objective for sales this month. "The sales target" is the subject, and "is" is the verb indicating a state of being. "This month" specifies the timeframe, and "two million pounds" is the specific amount that is the target.
4,7(20 оценок)
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