1. Мальчик жаловался, что его постоянно ругают и наказывают. A boy complained of being regularly scolded and punished. 2. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы поговорить с ним. I insist upon talking to him.3. Я с нетерпением ждал встречи с братом. I was looking forward to seeing my brother. 4. Мне что-то не хочется сегодня играть в футбол. I don’t feel like playing football today somehow. 5. Его обвинили в том, что он продал важные государственные секреты. He was accused of having sold important state secrets. 6. Он настаивал на том, что невиновен. He insisted on being innocent. 7. Он боялся, что его посадят в тюрьму. He was afraid of being put into prison. 8. Вы не возражаете, если я пойду гулять? Don’t you mind my going for a walk? 9. Я не могу не бояться. I can’t help being afraid. 10. Она жаловалась на то, что у нее нет времени. She was complaining on lacking of time.11. Продолжайте работать. Go on working. 12. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы его проверили. I insist on his being checked. 13. Мама возражает против того, что я играю в хоккей. My mother objects to my playing hockey. 14. Он жалуется на то, что я ему не Она боялась, что ее накажут. She was afraid of being punished.16. Перестаньте разговаривать. Stop talking. 17. Я не отрицаю, что был там вчера. I don’t deny having been there yesterday. 18. Я не возражаю, если вы уйдете пораньше. I don’t object to your leaving earlier. 19. Не могу не восхищаться работами этого художника. I can’t help admiring that painter’s works.
артикль необходим:
1. This is a book.
3. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister's husband is a doctor.
5.She has got a headache.
6. Have they got a car?
7. Have you got a calculator?
8. Is this a watch? No, it isn't a watch, it's a pen.
11. Give me a chair, please.
12. They have a dog and two cats.
13. I have a spoon in my plate, but I have mo soup in it.
14. My friend says he is going to be a millionaire one day.
15. Would you like an orange?
16. Mr.Smith is an artist, Mrs. Smith is a poetess.
во всех остальных случаях ставить артикль не надо.
In high school and college you have the luxury of having flexibility since you can study anywhere in the world and have relatively long study breaks. It is a prime time to take advantage of your freedom and youth.
1. You’ll Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
As young people most of us have a pretty established comfort zone. At home with mom and dad, in a community that has known you for probably a good part of your life. You have your established, friends, activities, hangouts and possibly jobs. We become comfortable in these daily roles and the idea of breaking out them can be scary and uncomfortable.
It can be scary, but once you figure out that you can connect with people despite differences, and you can navigate foreign environments, you become a smarter, more competent individual. Embrace the discomfort. Search for it, because it is helping you grow.
2. Traveling Builds Confidence
As you conquer the obstacles of figuring out how to use public transit in a foreign country, or asking for simple things in a grocery store, you are building a confidence and ability to adapt in foreign situations.You realize that you CAN do things, despite the obstacles and suddenly the obstacles seem less obstructive and more like welcomed challenges.
3. You Will Develop Cultural Sensitivity
Being culturally sensitive is key in our globalizing world. It is not enough to say “people from X country are like this.” It is important to look for underlying values that may explain a certain behavior in order to practice cultural sensitivity.Cultural sensitivity will help you with your communication on both business and personal levels.
4. Be Immersed in a Second (or Third) Language
Living abroad is really the best way to learn a new language since you are forced to challenge and practice your skills on a daily basis.