i want to tell you about my favourite book. my favourite book is "kamilla". the author of this product Madlen L'Engl. the book is published in 2005. in this book it is told about kamilla. she is 15 years old. she lives with parents in prestigious area of New York. kamilla studies at prestigious school. all in her life develops safely. but it proceeds short. the girl meets Jacque Nissen. Kamilla`s experiences are henceforth connected with this friend of the family. there is no time its happy family start to puersue troubles. perhaps, only kamilla wouldn`t consult with all it. but it is surrounded with friends. and one of them to become the most expensive person for the girl. it`s really interesting book! it`s all, that i want to tell you about my favourite book.
Hi Linda,
How's it going?
Sorry I haven't been in touch for such a long time but I've had exams so I've been studying every free minute. Anyway, I'd love to hear all your news and I'm hoping we can get together soon to catch up. We just moved to a bigger flat so maybe you can come and visit one weekend?
How's the new job?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Helga,
I've been meaning to write to you for ages now so don't worry! How did your exams go? When will you know your results? I'm sure you did brilliantly as always!
As for me, I'll have been in the new job three months by the end of next week so I'm feeling more settled in. At first I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but now I realise it's normal to feel like that. There was a lot to learn – there still is actually – and I soon had to get used to the idea that I can't know everything. I used to work late a lot and at weekends but I'm slowly getting into a normal routine.
Which means I'd love to come and visit! We really need a good catch up! I can't believe we haven't seen each other since Carl's wedding. How does next month sound?
Anyway, I'd better get back to work.
Congratulations on the new flat! Can't wait to see you!
My favorite book - "Alice in Wonderland." This book is written by British author Lewis Carroll. Story tells how a little girl Alice is walking in the garden and sees a rabbit. She jumps behind him down the rabbit hole and into the magical world. There she meets many fairy-tale characters: the March Hare, Cheshire Cat, mad Hatter, and others. Appears in different situations and was surprised that everything is going wrong in our world. Alice goes to a mad tea party and a game of croquet. in the end, she wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream.