My favorite writer is nikolai nosov. i love to read his books. the first time i learned about this author when i went through the bookcase. his books are always uplifting. he wrote instructive stories, but at the same time, fun and adventure. in every book a new adventure, a new error, a new knowledge and a new experience. each story has an interesting name. for example: "cucumber", "tuk-tuk", "dunno in the sunny city", "dunno on the moon", "mishkina kasha", "phone", "shura visiting the grandparents," etc. of course, each story leaves some interesting moments in memory. мой любимый писатель николай николаевич носов. я люблю читать его книги. первый раз я узнала об этом авторе, когда разбирала книжный шкаф. его книги всегда поднимают настроение. он пишет поучительные рассказы, но в тоже время веселые, смешные и приключенческие. в каждой книге новое приключение, новая ошибка, новые знания и новое впечатление. у каждого его рассказа интересное названье. например: "огурцы", "тук-тук-тук", "незнайка в солнечном городе", "незнайка на луне", "мишкина каша", "телефон", "шурик в гостях у дедушки" и т. д. конечно, каждая оставляет в памяти какие-то интересные моменты.
It is spring now. Usually we HAVE good weather in spring, but sometimes it is raining. It is raining now too. I don’t like such weather, I LIKE when it is sunny. My parents aren’t at home now. They are working. They WORK five days a week. My younger brother ARE PLAYING chess with his friend at the moment. He often PLAYS chess after school when it IS rainING. I DO my lessons in English. I write a very difficult exercise. I also listen to music. I always listeN to music when I WAS doING my home task in English. Our pet Bobby plays with a ball. He likes playing with a ball. I often takE him for a walk. My brother feeds him three times a day. The birds sing merrily outside though it is raining. The sun doesn’t shine.
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