Дорогой друг, доброе утро.
Я получил твоё письмо. Ты спрашиваешь, какое моё любимое блюдо? Очень интересный вопрос. Ты знаешь, я люблю есть. Но больше всего мне нравится отварной рис с котлеткой.
Многие бы сказали, что им нравится хот-дог, бургер, картофель фри и что-то ещё в этом духе. Однако мне больше нравится здоровая еда. К примеру, рис.
Да-да, это правда. Это очень легкое блюдо. Не жирное, не мучное и не сладкое. Оно вкусное и благодаря ему я могу поддерживать себя в форме. А вообще, я могу есть рис в любом виде! Будь то плов или суп с рисом! Главное, чтоб он был не сырым!
Я люблю рис. А какое блюдо любишь ты? Обязательно напиши мне!
С наилучшими пожеланиями, (имя).
Education plays a very important role in our life. It may reveal our abilities and help to choose the right occupation in life. It also influences the formation of the personality. We often remember our teachers for decades.
The system of education in Ukraine includes secondary and higher education. The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes primary junior and senior secondary forms. Children usually start to go to school at the age of 6 or 7. Primary forms are 1—4 forms. Junior secondary forms are 5—9 forms. After the 9th form children may enter technical schools or colleges of different types. After the 11—12 forms children may enter higher educational institutions. Those who graduate from a technical school or a college may also study further at a higher educational institution.
The system of higher education includes universities, academies, institutes and conservatories. They usually offer a five-year course of study. Nowadays a new system of training is introduced: Bachelor of Arts — B. A. and Master of Arts — M. A. When students receive their diploma, they may study further. Post-graduate education and scientific research work are not very popular now among young people. But in some fields of science there are outstanding research papers and discoveries.
1. A healing ointment to relieve pain and skin irritation is being rubbed in.
2. The bottles of poisonous drugs were being marked (by the chemist).
3. The cough mixture was being ordered at this chemist's (by us).
4. A strict diet was followed for two months (by these patients).
5. A prescription for the antidepressant was handed in. (to him)