In this picture I see a teenager sitting on a bed in his room. On posters on the wall and drumsticks can be understand that he likes music. The books are lying on the bed, it is clear that he is a fan to read
1) Mrs. Wiggins asked James if he heard what his Grandpa had said. - Миссис Виггинс спросила Джеймся, слышал ли он, что сказал дедушка.
2) My father wanted to know if I would tell him the truth. - Мой отец хотел знать, скажу ли я ему правду.
3) She asked if she could help. - Она спросила, может ли она
4) The teacher asked us if we understood. - Учитель спросила нас, поняли ли мы.
5) Olaf asked the girls where they were going for their holidays. - Олаф спросил девочек, куда они собираются на свои каникулы.
6) My father asked me when I would get back. - Мой отец спросил, когда я вернусь.
7) Andrew asked a shop-keeeper how much that bicycle was. - Андрей спросил продавца, сколько стоит этот велосипед.
8) The man asked when his watch would be repaired. - Мужчина спросил, когда его часы будут отремонтированы.
At this picture I see a teenager, sitting on the bed in his room. Due to the poster on the wall, I can understood, that he loves music. By the books lying on the bed, it is clear, thas he loves to read.