Великобритания издавна славится своими красочными природными пейзажами – на юге — долинами, горами, озерами, на севере – вересковыми склонами, густыми лесами и пресноводными водоемами, которые ещё называют лохами (Лох-Несс, Лох-Ломонд и др.). Неудивительно, что на территории страны было организовано такое количество национальных парков. Каждый из парков интересен по-своему и является прекрасной альтернативой для отдыха за городом. Будь Вы в Лондоне, Глазго или Эдинбурге, выделите один день на то, чтобы осмотреть уникальную природу Великобритании, суровую и величественную, яркую и разнообразную. В нашей подборке мы собрали 6 самых примечательных национальных парков Великобритании. Наш обзор расскажет Вам о неповторимых красотах каждого из них, кроме того, мы, как всегда, не забываем о практической части и рассказываем Вам о том, как добраться, сколько это потребует времени и об организационных вопросах в самих парках.
Great Britain has long been famous for its colorful natural landscapes - in the south - valleys, mountains, lakes, in the north - moorland slopes, dense forests and freshwater ponds, which are also called lohs (Loch Ness, Loch Lomond, etc.). Not surprisingly, a number of national parks have been organized on the territory of the country. Each of the parks is interesting in its own way and is an excellent alternative for recreation outside the city. Whether you're in London, Glasgow or Edinburgh, set aside one day to explore the unique nature of Britain, harsh and majestic, vibrant and diverse. In our selection we have collected 6 of the most remarkable national parks in the UK. Our review will tell you about the unique beauties of each of them, besides, we, as always, do not forget about the practical part and tell you how to get there, how much it will take time and about organizational issues in the parks themselves.
1. If the weather weren’t rainy on Sunday, we would go to the forest. - 2 2. We would have organized the competition better if you had told us about it a month before. - 3 3. These plants won’t grow if you don’t water them. - 1 4. He wouldn’t have passed his exam last week if he hadn’t studied hard. - 3 1. Если бы погода не была дождливой в воскресенье, мы бы отправлялись в лес. 2. Мы бы организовали конкурс лучше, если бы вы сказали нам об этом за месяц до него. 3. Эти растения не будут расти, если ты не будешь поливать их. 4. Он бы не сдал экзамен на неделе, если бы он не готовился усердно.
1. 1) Does my sister eat sweets every day? 2) What does my sister eat every day? 3) Does my sister eat sweets or cakes every day? 4) My sister eats sweets every day, doesn't she?
2. 1) Have you seen Peter since sunday? 2) Who haven't you seen since sunday? 3) Have you seen Peter since sunday or since saturday? 4) You have seen Peter since sunday, haven't you?
3. 1) Is Mary speaking on the phone now? 2) Who is speaking on the phone now? 3) Is Mary or Mindy speaking on the phone now? 4) Mary is speaking on the phone now, isn't she?
4. 1) Are they at home now? 2) Where are they now? 3) Are they at home or at theatre now? 4) They are at home now, aren't they?
5. 1) Are there old houses in our streets? 2) What are in our streets? 3) Are there old houses or parks on our street? 4) There are old houses on our street, aren't they?
Great Britain has long been famous for its colorful natural landscapes - in the south - valleys, mountains, lakes, in the north - moorland slopes, dense forests and freshwater ponds, which are also called lohs (Loch Ness, Loch Lomond, etc.). Not surprisingly, a number of national parks have been organized on the territory of the country. Each of the parks is interesting in its own way and is an excellent alternative for recreation outside the city. Whether you're in London, Glasgow or Edinburgh, set aside one day to explore the unique nature of Britain, harsh and majestic, vibrant and diverse. In our selection we have collected 6 of the most remarkable national parks in the UK. Our review will tell you about the unique beauties of each of them, besides, we, as always, do not forget about the practical part and tell you how to get there, how much it will take time and about organizational issues in the parks themselves.