A term that not every adult knows is easy to decipher. Graphic organizers are everything that helps to organize information on paper or monitor. So simple tables are their variety. Children should learn all this not only in order to be able to work with information, but also in order to apply it immediately. This makes it much easier to remember the material. Inna Bolshakova, an author and trainer of the retraining program for primary school teachers and a methodologist at the Novopechersk School, shared with the participants of the Teachers of the Future festival in Lviv how to teach students to be graphic organizers.
I live in Lesnaya Street. There is a sports centre in front of my house. There are a lot of people in the sports centre who swim, play football, do karate and other sports there. There is a cafe behind my house. How many people eat in the café every day? I don't know. I often go to the shop. It's next to my house. There are a few shops more in our region. There is a hospital and a school, a kindergarten and a post office in our street. There are a lot of green trees and flowers in our district. The bus stop is near my house. I like the district I live in because it's very convinent.
Я живу на Лесной улице. Перед моим домом находится спортивный центр. В спортивном центре много людей, которые плавают, играют в футбол, занимаются карате и другими видами спорта. За моим домом есть кафе. Сколько людей едят в кафе каждый день? Я не знаю. Я часто хожу в магазин. Он рядом с моим домом. В нашем регионе еще несколько магазинов. На нашей улице есть больница и школа, детский сад и почтовое отделение. В нашем районе много зеленых деревьев и цветов. Автобусная остановка находится рядом с моим домом. Мне нравится район, в котором я живу, потому что он очень удобный.
My car was repaired by a mechanick.
The house was built in 2010.
Actually esse was written by my father.
This book was read by me in a plane.
A dress was made by her sister.
Bicycle was made by his brother.
I was mistaken by these rumour.
Picture was painted by Picasso.
I was taught by my English teacher.