1) We understand your problem, but if you just sit at home you will never change your life.
2) So why don't you tell us where have you been?
3) It is also a good idea to organize celebration in the City Park.
4) You could organize your after school time better.
5) Another idea is to join them at the train station so we can travel all together.
6) We suggest you to give up smoking.
7) Start a new life by changing old habits.
Русский язык :
Я живу в городе. У нас в городе есть много магазинов и парков. Я люблю гулять в парке! Но 1 раз я поехал до бабушки в деревню. Я долго искал магазин с фастфудом но не где не было таких магазинов. Я расстроился и бабушка позвала меня в дом покушать но я не хотел кушать. Но всё таки я сел кушать бабушкин борщ . Мне понравился и я никогда не ел фастфуд.
Английский язык :
I'm living in the city. We have many shops and parks in the city. I love walking in the Park! But 1 time I went to his grandmother in the village. I've been looking for a store with fast food but not where there were no such stores. I was upset and my grandmother invited me to the house to eat but I did not want to eat. But still I sat down to eat grandma's borscht . I liked it and I never ate fast food.
1. She has __ him three times this morning. (phoned)
2. He __ stronger. (is geting)
3. She __ all morning. (has been walking)
4. Milk __ a lot of vitamins. (contains)
5. He is always __ money from me! (borrowing)
6. She __ a party at the moment. (is having)
7. I don`t know where she __ the keys (keeps)
8. Your hair __ great. (looks)
9. The kitchen __ of burnt meat. (smells)
10. The dog __ her way in the dark. (is feeling)
11. Anna is Italian. She __ from Italy. (comes)
12. Ann __ very kind to me these days. (is being)
13. She __ Italy today. (is leaving)
14. I __ that the situation is out of control. (see)
15. That dress __ nice on you. (looks)
16. She isn`t __ the exams. (passing)
17. Why __ your pockets? (are you feeling). Have you lost anything?
18. He __ a Siamese cat. (has)
19. Look! Here __ Alexander! (comes)
20. Mary __ very naughty these days. (is being)