I see a beautiful girl in the picture. I would read some chapters from the book on the table, but I'm tired. There is dirt under the door! I only see a shadow behind me, but it's coming closer. I feel more confident with my friends standing next to me than when I'm alone. There is a big library in front of my school.
To feel relief to rub eyes a blow of a wind confused to snore to nap to whisper in a while a storm a pleasant evening alex and professor decided to look around. they went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth they saw huge elephants they were in the centre of the earth caught found left met was didn't go did you come my best friend used to be olivia she used to have red hair we didn't use to go together everywhere i used to tidy my room very often did you use to go to school on foot or by bus? until went after then as soon as ireland is part of the u.k. and has the same weather.
еда царей икра - одно из самых известных продуктов в . это соленые яйца осетровых рыб, которые живут в черном море и каспийско море. россия, болеечем любая другая страна, известна своей высококачественной икрой. не ели ее, потому что им не нравился ее вкус, пока екатерина великая не преподнесла ее на ужин в 1778 году. с тех пор она была любимым блюдом разных царей, и они часто называют ее "едой царей" они были основнымии потребителями икры, и рыбаки посылали им лучшее из своей продукции. каждый год николай 2 (1868-1918) получал около 11 тонн икры от своих рыбаков. в наши дни, хотя она довольно дорогая, люди во всем мире ее на праздниах и в особых случаях
I would read some chapters from the book on the table, but I'm tired.
There is dirt under the door!
I only see a shadow behind me, but it's coming closer.
I feel more confident with my friends standing next to me than when I'm alone.
There is a big library in front of my school.
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