1. When do children start school?
Russia: from 7 years old
Britain: From 5 years
2. What exams do children take?
Russia: GIA, use
Britain: GCSE, A-levels
3.What are the levels of education in schools?
Russia: Primary education
Basic general education
Higher education in Russia
Britain: Primary School Secondary School
Further education
4. Is school uniform mandatory or not?
Russia: Not in all schools
Britain: Yes
5. What subjects are required? What are optional?
Russia: Required: Mathematics, Russian, foreign language, history, etc. Optional in high school.
Britain: Optional: Rhetoric and MHC Required: Music, mathematics, English, etc.
6. How many years do children study at school/ Institute?
Russia: 11 years at school, 4-6 years at the Institute (bachelor's and master's degrees)
Britain: 11 years at school, 3-4 years at the Institute and 1 more year (master's degree)
7. What do students do in their free time?
Russia: Watch TV, read books, play computer games, communicate with friends
Britain: Watch TV, read books, play computer games, listen to the radio
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Изучение Африки европейцами — изучение Африки европейскими путешественниками. Знакомство европейцев с Африкой началось ещё в античности. Античные путешественники изучали Северную Африку; при этом собственно Африкой или Ливией считали континент за пределами Египта, который считался частью Азии. Исследования Африки южнее Сахары активно продолжились в эпоху географических открытий (начиная с XV в.). Основную роль играли португальские мореплаватели: так, Бартоломео Диас в 1488 году достиг Мыса Доброй Надежды, открыв морской путь в Индию и на Дальний восток. При этом знакомство с внутренней частью континента в XVI, XVII и первой половине XVIII вв. оставалось незначительным: основную роль в нём играли работорговцы. В начале XIX в. сведения европейцев об Африке южнее Сахары оставались незначительными. Исследования Южной Африки активно продолжались в 1830-1840 годах, и активно развивались во второй половине XIX вв. во время колониального дележа континента. Большую роль в этом процессе играли поиски истоков Нила.
1. Kate is his distant relative. - Kate is a distant relative of his.
2. Her uncle is in the Far East now. - An uncle of hers is in the Far East now.
3. Let me introduce my cousin to you. - Let me introduce a cousin of mine to you.
4. Their great friend is a doctor. - A great friend of theirs is a doctor.
5. Our grandson is a first-year student at the University. - A grandson of ours is a first-year student at the University.
6. Is Helen your niece? - Is Helen a niece of yours?
7. It is my habit to get up early. - It's a habit of mine to get up early.
8. It is his favourite expression. - It is a favourite expression of his.
9. He is our colleague. - He is a colleague of ours.
10. It is her idea. - It is an idea of hers.