Exercise 1
news + paper = newspaper
foot + ball = football
skate + board = skateboard
bath + room = bathroom
sun + flower = sunflower
Exercise 2
art --> artist
football --> footballer
direct --> director
cycle --> cyclist
cycle --> cycler
play --> player
Exercise 3
I usually walk to work but today I’m taking the bus.
I usually read books but today I’m playing Scrabble.
I usually go skiing but today I’m going to swim.
I usually play chess but today I’m playing backgammon.
Exercise 4
1. John is in the school basketball team.
2. John goes to computer club on Tuesdays.
3. John meets his friends on Fridays.
4. John plays chess on Thursdays.
5. John helps his mum with the shopping.
Exercise 5
Let me introduce my friend. His name is Denis Petrov.
Nobody lives in the town now. It is a ghost town.
There are daily and weekly newspapers in the UK.
Working in mines is a very dangerous job.
There were many ruined buildings after the tornado.
My mum is always worried when I am late after school.
We knocked on the door. But there was nobody at home.
When he saw the car accident, he rushed to the car, he wanted to help as he was a doctor.
My little brother is very nice, he is seldom naughty.
I was very puzzled when I saw a strange sign on the wall.
Exercise 6
flew - летел или летела
began - начал или начала
saw - видел или видела
drank - пил или пила
heard - слышал или слышала
gave - дал или дала
ate - ел или ела
found - нашёл или нашла
forgot - забыл или забыла
I would say that I am a creative person by nature and interesting ideas for decorating interior and designing clothes are often born in my head, so I would like to be a fashion designer. But first I need to enter the University of Technology and Design and during the whole year I hard preparing for the entrance exams. My tutor helps me in it.
Of course, it is still only plans, but I should try and go for my dreams. I think that I will succeed.
Перевод на русский - Я бы сказала, что я творческий человек по своей природе и интересные идеи по оформлению интерьера и моделирования одежды очень часто рождаются у меня в голове, так что я хотела бы стать модельером. Но сначала мне нужно поступить в Университет технологии и дизайна и в течение всего года я усердно готовлюсь к вступительным экзаменам. Мой репетитор мне в этом.
Конечно, это еще только планы, но я должна стараться, чтобы мои мечты осуществились. Я думаю, что у меня все получится.