29 Do students in your country have to stand when the teacher arrives? c) up
30 You hurry as we’ve still got twenty minutes before the film starts.
a) needn't
31 I you in the café at about 4.30 and we can discuss our plans then, OK? a) 'll see
32 I wanted to see Harry. How long ago ? a) did he leave
33 I wish Joe to Hawaii on holiday. They’re talking about an eruption there on the news. c) hadn't gone
34 Could I possibly some money for the bus fare home? I’ve lost my bag. b) borrow
35 People say that an avalanche by loud noises in the area but I don’t know if that’s true. a) is caused
36 You’ll have to drive much than this if you want to pass your test.
a) more carefully
37 I must remember Ed to take notes for me while I’m away next week. a) to ask
38 Look at the news! Three cars in a bad accident on the motorway at Dartford. b) have been involved
39 I for arriving so late but I was caught up in a traffic jam in the town centre. b) apologise
40 It was great to see you at the party. I didn’t realize how long since we last met. d) it had been
41 I’m sorry to trouble you but I was wondering what . b) the time was
42 I really wish people dump litter in front of our house. We have to clear it up every day. c) wouldn't
43 Last Tuesday the company told Ruth that they’d emailed her the job details the day. a) previous
44 The studio lights went out while the footballer . b) was being interviewed
45 By the time I hand in this project, I on it for three weeks! c) 'll have been working
46 Jonah’s just fallen down the steps outside and there’s everywhere. a) blood
47 You should be very proud what you’ve achieved over the last year. b) of
48 people know this but our school is being inspected today. d) Few
49 Look out for a petrol station because I think we’re going to run of petrol soon. a) out
50 If I’d gone to the sales yesterday, I one of those cheap bags before they sold out. d) could have bought
Таково спряжение глаголов в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple):
I prevent (1 лицо ед. ч.)
you prevent (2 лицо ед. ч.)
he, she it prevents (3 лицо ед. ч.)
we prevent (1 лицо мн. ч.)
you prevent (2 лицо мн. ч.)
they prevent (3 лицо мн. ч.)
Форма 3 лицо ед. ч. - единственная, которая требует окончание при спряжении глагола в данном времени. Поскольку слово law "закон" можно заменить местоимением it, глагол в предложении употребляется в форме prevents.
То же самое произойдёт с любым глаголом (кроме нескольких модальных глаголов) при употреблении в 3 лице ед. ч. в настоящем простом времени в утвердительном предложении. В вопросах и отрицательных предложениях это окончание перейдёт на вс глагол.
Princess Fiona is short and plump with red hair. (Принцесса Фиона низкого роста и пухленькая с рыжими волосами.)