Kazakhstan - the native land
Very because we love you.
Sea, mountains, dal steppe-
This is my Motherland!
How great is my land,
How wide is its vast expanses
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forest and steppe, and mountain.
He circled the hundred lands.
Circled, and passed round,
Wings, legs натрудил.
We asked crane: -
Where are the best land? -
He answered, flying: -
Better to have none of the native land!
или же можно
Kazakhstan - the native land
Very because we love you.
Sea, mountains, dal steppe-
This is my Motherland!
Вы должны были бросить курить в году-You should have quit smoking last year.
Вечер был отличный.Вам следовало бы прийти.-The evening was excellent. You should have come.
Ты мог решить эту проблему?-Could you solve this problem?
Я вынужден был пойти туда.-I had to go there.
Я должен был пойти туда с тобой.-I should have gone there with you.
Ты можешь делать все, что разрешает мама.-You can do everything that mom allows.
Она может очень хорошо учиться.-She can study very well.
Он не понять эту тему.-He is unable to understand this topic.
Ему пришлось прийти раньше.-He had to come early.
Я могу считать до 100 на итальянском.-I can count to 100 in Italian.