I always really liked the cartoons about Cheburashka. When I learned to read, one of my first Books I read was the Crocodile Gene and His Friends book. Cheburashka is my favorite hero of this book. Cheburashka is a small animal with large ears, covered with brown fur. He arrived in the city in a box of oranges.The animal was called by the director of the store Cheburashka, in which this box was opened, because the animal was so full of oranges that it constantly cheburahatsya, that is, fell. Cheburashka is very cute, kind and cheerful. He immediately made friends with the crocodile Gena, who was very lonely. Together they did good deeds and they made many friends.
Упражнение 1
Unpleasant, uncomfortable, unequal, unknown, unlimited, unofficial, unexpected, unhappy, unimportant
Непривлекательный, неудобный, неравный, неизвестный, неограниченный, неофициальный, неожиданный, несчастный, неважный
Упражнение 2
To tie, to dress, to lock, to pack, to load.
Untie, undress, unlock, unpack, unload
Развязать, раздеть, разблокировать, распаковать, разгрузить
Упражнение 3
Inconvenient, inactive, incapable, incomparable, incomplete, indirect, unexperienced, disability, inadequate, disadvantage, disrespect, dislike, indirect
Неудобный, неактивный, не несравнимый, неполный, непрямой, неопытный, невозможность, неадекватный, недостаток, неуважение, неприязнь, непрямой
Упражнение 4
Illegal, illogical, irregular, immobile, impatient, irresolute, irresponsible, impossible, improbable
Нелегальный, нелогичный, нерегулярный, немобильный, нетерпеливый, нерешительный, невозможный, невероятный
Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:
Untrue: Un- префикс. Ложный
Prehistoric: Pre- префикс, -ic суффикс. Доисторический
Ultramodern: Ultra- префикс. Сверхсовременный
Postwar: Post- префикс. Послевоенный
Ex-champion: ex- префикс. Экс-чемпион
Anti-body: anti- префикс. Антитело
Decompose: de- префикс. Разложить.
Decode: de- префикс. Декодировать
Deform: de- префикс. Деформировать
Depart: de- префикс. Отъезжать
Discover: dis- префикс. Обнаруживать
Disappearance: dis- префикс, -ance суффикс. Пропажа
Reread: re- префикс. Перечитать
Reconstruct: re- префикс. Перестроить
Coauthor: co- префикс. Соавтор
Unequal: un- префикс. Неравный
Misunderstand: mis- префикс. Неправильно понимать
Undress: un- префикс. Раздеть
Disarm: dis- префикс. Разоружить
Anti-fascist: anti- префикс, -ist суффикс. Антифашист
Cooperation: co- префикс, -tion суффикс. Сотрудничество
Co-existence: со- префикс, -ence суффикс. Сосуществование
Interaction: inter- префикс, -tion суффикс. Взаимодействие
Super-human: super- префикс. Суперчеловек
Ultra-violet: ultra- префикс. Ультрафиолет
Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:
Achievement (cущ. достижение) - achieve (гл. достигать), resistance (сущ. сопротивление) - resistant (прилагательное, сопротивляющийся), assistance (сущ. содействие) - assist (гл. содействовать) - assistant (сущ. ассистент), celebration (сущ. торжество) - celebrate (гл. торжествовать), difference (сущ. разница) - different (прил. различный), city (сущ. город)- citizen (сущ. гражданин), nation (сущ. нация)- national (прил. национальный)- nationality (сущ. национальность), measure (гл. измерять)- measurement (сущ. измерение), develop (гл. разрабатывать)- development (сущ. разработка), act (гл. действовать)- active (прил. активный)- activity (сущ.активность), contain (гл. содержать)- container(сущ.контейнер), discover (гл.обнаруживать)- discovery (сущ.обнаружение)- discoverer (сущ.первооткрыватель), literature (сущ.литература)- literary (прил.литературный), graduate (гл.оканчивать учебное заведение)- graduation (сущ.окончание учебного заведения)- undergraduate (прил. преддипломный)- post-graduate (прил. последипломный), educate (гл.давать образование)- education (сущ.образование), progress (гл.продвигаться вперед)- progressive (прил.прогрессивный), act (гл.действовать)- action (сущ.действие)- activity (сущ.активность)- active(прил.активный), govern (гл.управлять)- governor (сущ.управляющий)- government (сущ.правительство).
It was a fresh, clear morning. Pamela opened the window and looked out. Her flat was on the THIRD floor and she could see the busy street below perfectly well.
Pamela was happy to live in the city. She came from a small village and moved to the city only two years before. Here she had a good job, a nice flat, and lots of new friends – she could not wish for a BETTER life than now.
Задание 19
Pamela was about to close the window when a man on the street attracted her attention. The man WAS WEARING an old-fashioned coat and a checked cap.
Задание 20
Pamela COULDN'T see his face but the man looked familiar.
Задание 21
She was sure that she HAD SEEN him somewhere before.
Задание 22
The man looked up and Pamela recognized him. He was Old Tom, the village baker and her former neighbour.
“Hey, Pam!” he shouted to HER.
Задание 23
“Can you let me in? The front door IS LOCKED and I can’t get upstairs.”
Задание 24
“Yes, sure,” nodded Pamela. “I WILL BE downstairs in a minute.”
Задание 25
Though Tom’s voice sounded calm and casual, she FELT a sudden panic.
“What made him travel all the long way from the village?” she wondered.
Задание 26
My favorite character.
I always really liked the cartoons about Cheburashka. When I learned to read, one of my first books I read was the book "Crocodile Gene and His Friends". Cheburashka is my favorite hero of this book.
Cheburashka is a small animal with large ears, covered with brown fur. He arrived in the city in a box of oranges. The animal was called by the director of the store Cheburashka, in which this box was opened, because the animal was so full of oranges that it constantly cheburahatsya, that is, fell. Cheburashka is very cute, kind and cheerful. He immediately made friends with the crocodile Gena, who was very lonely. Together they did good deeds and they made many friends.