Charity - rendering selfless (free of charge or on preferential terms) aid to those in need. The main feature of the charity is free and unconstrained choice of the type, time and location, as well as maintenance services. Expressions of charity: the production and transfer of knowledge and skills of the more successful, and encouraged the public utility of the system (at this point in time, and under certain circumstances) activities, the creation of appropriate conditions (temperature) for the implementation and actively invited to participate in the add ("give a fishing rod rather than a fish"), the transfer of food, property and other commodities, as well as their means of acquisition, including cash, selfless works and services (pro bono work), other support.
неисч исчисл
time время machine машина
water вода word слово
music музыка idea идея
snow снег family семья
coffee кофе sea море
money деньги hour час
knowledge знание tree дерево
silver серебро book книга
meat мясо news новости
happiness счастье house дом
information информация friend друг
speed скорость student студент
milk молоко pen ручка
paper бумага picture картина
clothes одежда
air воздух
1. I am reading
2. He plays
3. Do you get up
4. Are they having
5. We dont go
6. Dad is watching