Friendship is an amazing and very pleasant feeling. The main secret of friendship is helping each other. First of all, I mean mutual self-satisfaction and help. A friend is a person who will always help in a difficult situation. He is always there, he does not matter the benefits, he just wants to satisfy you. We must not forget that friendship is also a source of joy, it is a great way to have a good time. Without a friend is difficult to live, as the saying goes, "do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends".
1. Your children often smile? 2. My grandfather terrible alarmist, he never laughs and rarely discussed their problems with us. 3. His dad so wonderful! He is always smiling and never gets angry at me. 4. Your husband - a scientist? - Yes, why it happens so seldom at home: for it is open on Saturdays and Sundays. 5. I will tell you frankly that your son - not stupid, he's just a real bummer, though, to be honest, he does not have any abilities to mathematics. 6. He is often late and is therefore almost always goes to work in a taxi! - Exactly! It's just like him. 7. You will succeed languages? - In my opinion, yes, because I'm pretty and fluent in English and in Russian. I am a journalist by profession and generally sociable person. 8. Her cousin - a homebody at heart. She rarely goes to visit, even to their relatives. 9. Your children are constantly at me giggle, and, naturally, I lose my temper, especially in the evenings when I'm tired after a hard day's work. 10. My husband and I always get in fights and put up, quarrel and reconciled ... And we live!
1. because (Я не пошёл на рок-концерт, ПОТОМУ ЧТО ненавижу эту музыку.) 2. so (Было холодно, ПОЭТОМУ никто не захотел идти на прогулку.) 3. because (Все магазины были закрыты, ПОТОМУ ЧТО было воскресенье.) 4. so (У Мэри болела голова, ПОЭТОМУ она пошла к врачу.) 5. because (С Джорджем интересно разговаривать, ПОТОМУ ЧТО он много читает.) 6. so (На дорогах были ужасные пробки, ПОЭТОМУ мы поехали на метро.) 7. so (Люси устала, ПОЭТОМУ рано легла.) 8. because (Русские народные сказки интересны, ПОТОМУ ЧТО их герои привлекательны.)
Friendship is an amazing and very pleasant feeling. The main secret of friendship is helping each other. First of all, I mean mutual self-satisfaction and help. A friend is a person who will always help in a difficult situation. He is always there, he does not matter the benefits, he just wants to satisfy you. We must not forget that friendship is also a source of joy, it is a great way to have a good time. Without a friend is difficult to live, as the saying goes, "do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends".