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Установите соответствие между заголовками a–h и текстами 1–7. занесите свои ответы в таблицу. используйте каждую букву только один раз. в один заголовок лишний. a. the never-sleeping country. b. the golden city. c. a look at history. d. the cheap and free city. e. the city having two parts. f. the sunshine state. g. ecological problems. h. a land of song. 1. some visitors say that london is an expensive city, but there are a few things to do which do not cost a lot of money. most museums are free and give guided tours as well as lectures. the national theatre next to the royal festival hall also has free concerts in the foyer every evening and on saturday lunchtimes. some cinemas are cheaper on mondays; others sell half-price tickets before 6 pm. 2. florida was bought from the spanish in 1819. it is the southernmost state on the mainland and has a long coastline on the atlantic ocean. oranges grow all year round even in winter, when the weather is very cold further north. the warm climate has made florida an important vacation resort. more than eight million visitors come to miami beach every year. there are also many theme parks. 3. spain is famous for its unusual lifestyle. for example, spanish people usually have lunch at 2.30 pm and dinner at 10.00 pm. people don’t usually go to bed before midnight. at 10.00 on friday and saturday nights the bars and restaurants are full. spanish night-life really starts at midnight. a lot of disco-bars don’t close before 6.00 in the morning. on the east coast of spain some discos open at 10.00 on sunday mornings! 4. the welsh have been famous for their singing for centuries. if you go to any welsh rugby match, you will hear supporters singing in harmony. male-voices choirs are found throughout wales and many welsh people have become famous opera singers. the reputation of wales as a centre for music attracts musicians from all over the world to its various festivals. 5. budapest has a population of over two million people. the river danube divides the city into two parts. on the west bank there are the woods and hills of buda and the old town. on the east bank there is the bigger and more modern pest, the business and shopping centre. from buda there are wonderful views of pest and the river. six bridges join buda and pest. for nearly a thousand years buda and pest were two towns. then in 1873 they joined and became one city, budapest. 6. prague has a population of over one million people. it is built on seven hills on the banks of the river vltava. fifteen bridges cross the river. the most famous is charles bridge, which joins prague castle and the old town. the view of the castle from the river is very famous. some people say prague is the most beautiful city in the world. it still has many beautiful medieval buildings and statues. perhaps the most popular building is the old town hall with its amazing 15th century astronomical clock. 7. like many big cities, london has problems with traffic and pollution. over 1,000,000 people a day use the london underground, but there are still too many cars on the streets. the air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. until the clean air act in 1956, london was famous for its fog or “smog”, which is a mixture of smoke and fog. the best thing about london is the parks. there are five in the city centre.


1. d

2. b

3. a

4. h

5.  e

6. c

7. g

4,5(96 оценок)
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1. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used to getting up this early,

2. It’s impossible to cut with this knife. It’s blunt.

3. My father enjoys listening to jazz music.

4. I’m sorry to hear that your mother isn’t well.

5. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.

6. I couldn’t help them to find what they were looking for as I was in too much of a


7. I’d like to cook something special when guests come.

8. My dad promised to buy me a bike if I passed my exams well.

9. I hate waiting in queues. It really annoys me.

10.I looked forward to see you again soon.

11. It’s difficult to concentrate when there’s loud playing on the radio.

12.We stopped for a while to admire the scenery.

13. He can’t afford to hire a taxi every day.

14.Is it worth running such an awful risk?

15.Would you mind fetching another chair?

16.I’m sorry to disturb you, but could you tell me the time?

17. My younger sister can’t stop eating sweets.

18.He dislikes spending money on car repairs.

19.I remember going to Venice as a child.

20. Can you to call Mike?

21.I suggested calling a taxi so we wouldn’t be late.

22. I can’t stand waiting in queues.

23.He is Spanish so he’s used to driving on the right.

24. Did you remember to send your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.

25.Have you tried reading a book to help you to sleep?

26. Nowadays I’m used to going to bed early.

27.He’ll never forget seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time.

28. He offered to drive me to the airport.

29. I’ll stop lending you money if you waste it on cigarettes.

30. Maya stopped to tie her shoelace.

31. John suggested going together in one car.

32.Will you stop making so much noise, boys?

33.It’s difficult to sleep in a tent after having a soft, comfortable bed to lie on.

34. Linda offered to look after my cat while I was out of town.

35.Could you please stop whistling! I’m trying to concentrate on my work.


1. We can speak Spanish.

2. He often makes me feel guilty.

3. You have to be friendly and polite.

4. She must stay.

5. I’d like to send him a present.

6. Mother wants to paint the walls in the kitchen.

7. We decided to sell the car.

8. Let me give you some advice.

9. It may cost too much.

4,4(58 оценок)

1. Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.

2. Yes, I do. I like traveling.

3.I want to visit different countries and places to meet various people and learn new customs and traditions.

4. There are many reasons for traveling.  You can develop your language skills,expand your horizons and have fun.

5. Traveling is the best way to explore the world and yourself.

6. The new places, different people, good mood are the main benefits of traveling.

4,4(36 оценок)
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