What time does Paul finish (his) work?
Это правильный ответ. Это обычный презент симпл. Подразумевается, что , во сколько он (обычно) заканчивает работать. Его рутина. А значит , вс выкидываешь вперёд, и всё. Finish остаётся в "чистом" виде. Без каких либо окончаний . Классическая схема презента.
In November a lot of snow dropped out and we with children agreed to go to build a hill. We took shovels, a sledge, put on warmly and went to a yard. As it was cheerful! Let on construction of a hill many forces and time left, but it costed that: we made very good hill! Children joined us from the next houses! Quite big company gathered and we decided to connect our sledge and to move down "engine". Six people sat down on three sledge. I sat very first! And here I shouted "Went! ", we made a start and swept! Suddenly we ran on any piece of iron, our "engine" turned over, and I steeped in a snowdrift. I as boys pulled out me from snow didn't manage to think again. They too were all in snow, sledge lay near them. I hastened to go home. Mother and the grandmother gave to drink me tea with tasty raspberry jam and laid under a warm plaid. The next morning I woke up with a strong headache and heat.
Here and I caught a cold! It was offensive because all rode a hill, and I stayed at home even the whole month.
January 7
10.00-18.00 area "House of Santa Claus." Game programs, greetings from Santa Claus (Central Children's Park. Gorky - Frunze Str. 2)
11.00-14.00 "The School of the fairies, or in pursuit of Christmas." New Year's for kids (Palace of Culture of the Minsk Tractor Plant - st. Dolgobrodskaya 24)
11.00-15.00 "sparkle trees and lights." Christmas market (the area at the K / T "Salute" - pr Rokossovsky, 150a)
12.00-14.00 "Merry." Theatrical program for children (square on Avenue Lyubimov)
12.00-14.00 Dance activities (park on the street. Karpov)
12.00-15.00 "¢ Kalyada Azyaryshchah" (village Ozerische)
12:00-16:00 "Christmas fun." Christmas Holiday Fair (the site of the Palace of Sports - Project Award Winner-ers, 4)
13.00 "Kolyada-2010." Theatrical show (street Gerasimenko, 26)
13.00 Christmas party in the district Sokol (area near the shopping complex - st. Baramzin 10a)
13.00 "Oh, kalyadachkі." Children's party (Central Children's Park. Gorky - Frunze Str. 2)
13.20-14.00 Children Christmas entertaining matinee (the site of the shop "Household goods" - st. Russiyanova, 1)
January 7-10
"Christmas Express". The festive event dedicated to the New Year (Children's Railway - Independence Ave, 86)
7-14 January
"Visiting Santa Claus." Organization of the house of Santa Claus (park of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution)
January 9
11.00-15.00 "Gay, Kalyada» Folk festival (site near Minsk Ice Palace "- st. Pritytskogo, 27)
11.00-15.00 "Gay, Kalyada» Folk festival in the district Kuntsevshchina (site at VES № 101 - st. Leszczynski)
January 10
"Spirituality of the family - well-being of citizens." Christmas Day (territory Orphanage - st. Skoriny 11)
January 7
12.00-14.00 "Kalyadnyya zorkі zbіrayuts syabroў." Theatrical Christmas show for children and adults (Victory Square)
12.00-14.00 "Vіtsebskіya Kalyada." Theatrical performance. Festivities. Fair of folk crafts (Center "For-dzvіnne")
17.00-21.00 "disco Christmas carols." Dance-themed entertainment. Work rides. Sale carnival products. Pre-trade. Pony and carriage (Victory Square)
January 13
17.00-21.00 Dancing and entertainment. Work rides. Sale carnival products. Pre-trade. Pony and carriage (Victory Square)
January 7
17.00 Folk festival (Lenin Square)
January 7
10.00 Holiday "Kalyadki-2010" (Square 40th anniversary of Victory)
12.00 Holiday "Merry Christmas 2010!" (Site of the Palace of Culture)
12:00-16:00 "Kalyadki." Urban theatrical show. Theatrical performance, a concert program with participation of folk music "fun", the ensemble of folk songs "Kramyany" folk ensemble "Ivitsa" ... (Pechora Forest Park)
12:00-16:00 "Good Ushica ours!" Call for cooking soup. Participants invited the team of organizations and enterprises, as well as anyone. Terms of participation can be found in the city center of culture and entertainment, or by phone. (0222) 22-59-38 (Pechora Forest Park)
15.00 "Merry Christmas." Concert of creative collectives of the city with the Diocese of Mogilev (City center of culture and entertainment, st. Day, 34/1)