Girls have us the most beautiful, and boys – the most bold. High school kids tease our girls, but we protect them. Their offense is not given. At school we are known as the most friendly class. I especially like changes at school. Students scattered around the yard. But our class doesn't run around. We have things to do together. Girls talk about their dresses, jewelry, familiar guys. In General, on women's themes. We're not bothering them, guys. We have the ball. Favorite game is football. The break is not enough for the game, but we are training. One eye is watching to our classmates no one hurt.
1) -Yes, I have. -When did you bought it? -I bought it three days ago 2) -Yes,he has. - When did he call her? - He called her three days ago 3) -Yes,they have. -When did they be here? - They were in Paris three days ago 4) -Yes, they have -When did they find it? -They found it three days ago 5) -Yes, I have -When did you begin it? -I began it three days ago 6) -Yes, she has -When did she have it? -she has it thre hours ago 7) -Yes, they have -when did they finish it? - they finished it three days ago 8) -yes, he has -when he plays the piano ? -he plays the piano very often
Россия - страна с бурной многовековой историей и богатой культурой. Некоторые архитектурные и историко-культурные памятники на территории РФ внесены в список объектов Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО, в том числе Московский Кремль и Красная площадь, исторический центр Санкт-Петербурга и дворцово-парковые комплексы его окрестностей, исторические памятники Новгорода, историко-культурный комплекс Соловецких островов, белокаменные памятники древней Владимиро-Суздальской земли и городов "Золотого Кольца России", церковь Бориса и Глеба в Кидекше, Троице-Сергиева Лавра в Сергиевом Посаде, Церковь Вознесения в Коломенском, Государственный историко-архитектурный и этнографический музей-заповедник "Кижи" и др.Исторические места - Москва, Новгород, Бородино, Ростов Великий, Смоленск, Псков, Тула, Рязань, Орел, Волгоград, многочисленные города Сибири - в каждом из них (да и во множестве других мест страны) обязательно найдется что посмотреть.
I especially like changes at school. Students scattered around the yard. But our class doesn't run around. We have things to do together. Girls talk about their dresses, jewelry, familiar guys. In General, on women's themes. We're not bothering them, guys. We have the ball. Favorite game is football. The break is not enough for the game, but we are training. One eye is watching to our classmates no one hurt.