1. A whale - кит, a tiger - тигр, a crocodile - крокодил, a beaver - бобр, a dolphin - дельфин, a hippopotamus - бегемот, a turtle - черепаха
2. A rabbit - кролик, a kangaroo - кенгуру, a squirrel - белка
3. A hen - курица, a parrot - попугай, a flamingo - фламинго
4. An elephant - слон, a rabbit - кролик, a hare-заяц, a donkey - осёл
5. A horse - лошадь, a cat - кошка, a mouse - мышь, a wolf - волк, a fox - лиса, a monkey - обезьяна, a tiger - тигр
6. A monkey - обезьяна, a cat - кошка, a panda - панда, a bear - медведь, а koala - коала, a squirrel - белка.
1. A whale - кит, a tiger - тигр, a crocodile - крокодил, a beaver - бобр, a dolphin - дельфин, a hippopotamus - бегемот, a turtle - черепаха
2. A rabbit - кролик, a kangaroo - кенгуру, a squirrel - белка
3. A hen - курица, a parrot - попугай, a flamingo - фламинго
4. An elephant - слон, a rabbit - кролик, a hare-заяц, a donkey - осёл
5. A horse - лошадь, a cat - кошка, a mouse - мышь, a wolf - волк, a fox - лиса, a monkey - обезьяна, a tiger - тигр
6. A monkey - обезьяна, a cat - кошка, a panda - панда, a bear - медведь, а koala - коала, a squirrel - белка.
My family is not very big, but friendly. In my family everything
four people. This is mom, dad, grandfather and me. My dad is the head of the family. is he
quite strict. Dad works a lot and is very tired. My dad is a bank employee. Our mother is very gentle and kind. She always
knows how to solve our problems. Mom works in the public service.
Also grandfather lives with us. He is my closest friend.
Grandpa is no longer working. He is a pensioner. I'm having fun with him. Grandfather knows
a lot of interesting things. Our family members always support each other. it
so beautiful when you know that close and loving people are waiting for you at home!