ответ: My mother is the dearest person to me. I love her so much. I love not for something, but just like that, just because I have it. I am very proud and cherish my mom. I have no one closer to her. My mother's name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. She's beautiful. I love my mother’s smile and large green eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, fervent laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear to me two palms. My mother is very kind, gets along well with people, everyone respects and loves her. She knows how to support in difficult times and warm her warmth, when sometimes I feel sad and bitter.
Russian people usually celebrate their birthday by having a party either at home or at a cafe or restaurant. Close friends and relatives are invited to the party. Guests say nice things about the birthday person and give their presents to him or her. The party lasts a few hours. Typically there is a lot of tasty food and a big birthday cake. Sometimes there are different fun activities at the party, such as dancing contests and playing games.
Россияне обычно отмечают свой день рождения, устраивая вечеринку дома, в кафе или ресторане. На вечеринку приглашаются близкие друзья и родственники. Гости говорят добрые слова об имениннике и дарят ему подарки. Вечеринка длится несколько часов. Как правило, готовится много вкусной еды и большой торт. Иногда на вечеринке проводятся разные веселые мероприятия, такие как конкурсы танцев и игры.
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